Monday 3 February 2014

I wish that...


Hmm.. Does everything that we do will cause us to feel the same thing in the end? 
Like what goes around comes around? Then how do we wanna avoid it?

I wish that I never know about love
I wish that I never think about love
I wish that I never had fall in love
I wish that all kids in this world are taught to NEVER  fall in love before nikah so that no one gets hurt and can live happily ever after with love after nikah...


I hate what had happened
I hate you who gives me hope
I hate you who then easily lose hope

Nevertheless, what can I do.. Things had already happened. I can't blame anyone. It's fate. I'm just a weak servant. Whatever it is I have to move on, have to act normal, have to be patience, have to be grateful. There's no use to regret it. 

The end.

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