Friday 21 February 2014



Alhamdulillah, I've went through this week smoothly.. I've attended all the classes this week and I really enjoy it.. =)

Ok, what am I gonna write about is the experience I got when I went out to Mid Valley last Saturday. A week before I registered in the university, I had made a promise with my ex-college friends to meet them at the Mid Valley, At first I thought I wanna ask some of my new friends to accompany me to go there but they all went picnic with the sisters, so I can't force them. Well, I never go out using the KTM before, so I was a bit nervous, but I just tawakkal to Allah, the Best Guardian. make a long story short, I've made it to the Mid Valley to see my friends and we all had a great time watching Robocop. =D

On my way back home to the campus, I was exhausted. Luckily, I met a new friend in that bus, because she was sitting next to me, so I grabbed the chance to talk to her. At first, I thought she was a Chinese, but actually, she was a Vietnamese girl! Haha, I bet our conversation would be very interesting, and it did! Her name is Rachel, second year degree student in Biomedical Science. We share many things such as studies, food and hobbies. Haha, even though it was a not very long journey from Kajang to campus, but we managed to talk about many things.. (O_o) 

She told me that life as a degree student is very different from pre-foundation or foundation student (as she was shocked to hear that I enjoy the very much leisure and free time I have in the university, hehe..).  She said that almost everyday they will have classes, a report to be sent every week, and lots of assignments and lab research. So...I guess I really need to be prepare for that..huhu.. =/ But she did say that when she was in early first year degree, she did not have many classes too in a week until she took a week leave just to travel to Singapore.. =p

She loves travelling, just like me. She had travelled to Pangkor Island before, but unfortunately she said that the island's beach was not very beautiful. ( Err..ok, I don't know how to comment that..hee..) Well she did tell that news to her Malaysian friends in her class, and they suggested her to go to Tioman Island for a very mesmerizing beach. Besides, I suggested her to go to Langkawi Island too. I am guarantee that she will not regret for visiting Langkawi Island, in fact, she would be grateful (but she dislikes sweet food, so that's too bad as Langkawi is famous for its cheap and variety type of chocolates). Yeah, for me, Langkawi Island is the most meaningful place for me. I love it, and I miss it a lot! :'(

p/s : Last night I just had a great time watching Bee Movie at the sisters' house.. I am so grateful for the chance to get to know them. Alhamdulillah.. =D 

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