Saturday 15 February 2014

A New Beginning...

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. if the fifth day I've been in a university.. What can I say about it? Ermm.. Well, at first I was not really eager to be here as I'm the only one from Langkawi who were chosen to be here.. So, there were no familiar faces here which make me feel very very awkward. Besides, my roommates are all seniors (the foundation students), and I am the only one in that room who is a pre-foundation student, so the awkward feeling grew larger and higher (as high as Mt. Everest! XD ) Furthermore, I don't really know how to be so friendly especially with someone who is older than me..huhu.. :(

However, I'm just hoping that after about a week or fortnight in here, I can adapt myself well with the people (there are lots of foreigners, international students :O ). Hmm what about friends? Alhamdulillah, there are all nice and friendly, and I hope that the nature will last longer..hehe.. Okay, if you ask me about the food here, well I can say that the food in the cafe here are tasty, but a little bit expensive, so I just eat there during lunch time only.. :p

So, what did I do in this week? I just joined the Induction programme, where the lecturers talked about the introduction of the subjects that I will learn for 8 weeks in here. Basically, I will learn about English Language only - reading, writing, listening, discussion etc. Well it sounds easy (hopefully) yet it will be quite challenging as we will learn how to write an academic essay (journals etc). But I believe that the learning will helps me a lot during my journey in the university later on. 

Oh yeah, the most interesting part is the picturesque scenery in here. I really love the calming lakeside. =)

Ok, I guess that's all for now. I'll be updating more every week ok, insya-Allah.. ^^

P/S : I really miss home actually..huhuu.. :'(    

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