Sunday 22 December 2013

The End of 2013...

Wow..this blog is surely dusty,,hehe... I thought that I will not continue blogging anymore, but due to a friend's request, I'll write.. Hmm..why am I planing not to blog anymore? Actually I am not planing to quit, I just wanna open a new book. Yeah, new phase, with new environment, so of course new stories.. Hence, I'm actually thinking to make new blog. A more matured one. So let's just pray may 2014 is not a really busy year so that I can spend time for the new blog making.   =)

Okay, move on to the latest news.. What's happening in the end of 2013??
For sure, if I can scream, "I've done my SPM!!!"'s reality.. But still, I feel like dreaming. No more school uniforms, merrily sports day, and all those 'cute' things we used to do during school-phase time, or to be exact, the immature phase, or in other word, the 'identity-crisis' phase, or we could just simply say.. in 'teenage world'. After this, we're going to the 'half-adult' phase, haha, I said that cause for me, the real adult age is '20', when the first number turns '2'. =p Well, I don't wanna talk much bout this half-adult phase cause I'm not really facing it yet. So, I don't have much experience to elaborate it clearly and creatively.. XD

Soooo..let's move on to another chapter..
Huh? You wanna me talk about the scholarships? The SPC? Hmmm...I don't feel like I wanna talk about it right now.. Cause now I'm in 'waiting' mood..So I don't know what the result would be yet.. For sure everyone is hoping for the best. Everyone wants SPC, the simplest way of continuing our studies.. Hopefully Allah will open the chance for me and my friends to get the SPC.. Amin..

Come again? Wanna me talk about the SPM? Did I went through it nicely? So far I just could say Alhamdulillah..and if I were given a word to describe how's SPM 2013, I would choose...'tough'..hehe... Naaaaa...don't wanna talk bout it.. Cause when I think about it, I will always come out with the 'IF' and 'WHY', which show regret..and it is definitely not a good thing to talk about.. k? -_-

What I've been doing for the past 3 weeks after the SPM huh? Well I live, of course.. =p Eat, sleep, movies, books, musics etc.. Nothing special... Yeah, my house is not around a place where I can join any interesting classes.. If I can, I will love to join the music class, or the dancing class, or the computer class, or the language class, (but NOT the driving class =p, I just don't ready yet to drive..hee) But I just can't.. =( NVM..

To be honest, I'm missing Langkawi so much.. Even though there were a lots of painful truth there, but there were still sweet memories to be remembered.. What I miss the most about Langkawi is the surrounding.. The calmness of the scenery, the picturesque view, and somehow I miss the Cenang beach..haha..(IDK why..) I really want to see the sunset and sunrise at the beach.. But till now I still don't have the chance yet.. But I am grateful cause I've got the chance to see the sunset from the Raudhatul Muttaqin surau of MRSM was very an outstanding view..

Next, ha. I've finished 4 from 5 novels of Hlovate just in 3 weeks.. Haha.. I know, it's actually not a big deal pon.. and plus, some would say that I am really outdated.. Nvm whatever they wanna say.. as long as I'm happy because I've succeed to buy those books with my own money, and read it in a very leisure time.. =D Reading Hlovate's books makes me feel alive.. I really impressed with the awesomeness of the books. Hlovate is just so genius to delivery the messages especially about Islam in a very stylish and light way.. The book that I really love the most is the 'Versus' because I can feel it related to me somehow.. You just need to read it by yourself only then you can feel it. <3

Hmmmmm..I guess I wanna stop here.. I'll write more in the next entry k.. Adios! =D



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