Thursday 27 December 2012

Ending of 2012...

Lamanya tak update blog... Bukannya busy pon, it just that I don't have the mood to write something..but still got many stories to share.. Tak pelah, nvm about the past.. ;)

So, for today...Today is 27 December 2012.. you realize that we almost at the end of the year??!!! Ya Allah, cepatnya masa berlalu... Rasa macam baru je lepas tengok bola Malaysia lawan Indon dekat Indonesia dulu yang bikin gawat habis tuh! Tup2, tahun ni, 2-2 pihak pulak yang kalah..haha.. *I'm not a 'kaki bola' pon..Tiba2 cakap sal bola pulak.. =p

Hmm.. And I can still remember, those times when I was in deep pressure because I can't fit in my new life at my new school... Huhu..those times, full with tears.. That's why I'm labelling, 2012 is Tears Year! If I think back all those experiences I faced in this year, it just bring more pain than laughter.. =( BUT, whatever it is, I am grateful with what I had faced.. Experiences is the best teacher right? If I don't face all those obstacles and challenges in life, I would not be able to grow matured, right? EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. Now, I can slowly see the reasons...... *I can't believe that I'm actually had already past a year in that new (not so new) school! So, there is just one more year left.. I hope 2013 is gonna be a better year.. No more tears I hope!

However, there's something that I still can't understand.. Hmm..nvm.. What I can do is just avoid it for the time being..I don't wanna face that kind of problems right now cause it surely can disturb my focus in facing the MOST IMPORTANT YEAR - SPM 2013... So, close the book of <3 !!!

Honestly speaking, I never meant to hurt anyone's feeling.. Humans aren't perfect right? So, I know there are times which I did mistakes without realizing it.. I think, the best way to avoid problems is trying to be honest.. Honesty also can avoid many misunderstanding.. But there are still risk that we have to take by being honest, because sometimes, 'Kebenaran itu menyakitkan'... Don't you think so? Hmm.. (O_o) 


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