Thursday, 22 November 2012

Menjadi Pembimbing...~

Hey there.. How's life going..? Or more accurate, how's holiday going? Yeah, as for me, holiday is great!  Everything is fine.. Plus, I need to take motorcycle license this holiday! Seriously can't imagine that! ; I'm big enough already! [like someone said, "Hoho..big Amira"] (O_o) huhu..*scary for me* I never ride a motorcycle before, ermm...pernah la naik, banyak kali k, cuma x pernah bawak je.. =p Huh..just get ready mental and physical for that.. Pray for me! Hehe..

Ok, so...let's get back to the main topic.. 'Menjadi pembimbing'. What I'm gonna write is about becoming a leader, a guider, and someone who is more like counselor, for our friends out there who are having problems and conflicts.. Actually, on 8th and 9th November 2012, I had followed a camp, organised by my college, handled by my beloved counselors, Mr. Shahid and Mrs. Syarima.. Tajuk kem ialah Kem Transformasi Kepimpinan Siri 2 - Kursus Aplikasi Kemahiran Kaunseling Dalam Kepimpinan.. The camp was held at Grand Continental Hotel, Langkawi, [Luaran hotel nampak je buruk, tapi dalamnya cantik kot! Memang best ah!](^_^) So, lots of new and beneficial things I've learnt there, even though the camp just last for 2 days only..huh.. [Wish we had more time.., walaupun kadang2 rasa ngantuk menghinggapi diri..hehe] Kem ni dihadiri oleh 67 orang pelajar yang terdiri daripada badan kepimpinan maktab, BWP, LDP, PRS, BADAR..

What activity that we had there? Well, after finished packing all things, and done with the pressure of final exam, we went to the hotel and arrived there around 4.00 p.m..[except the Tasawwur students, who were still 'fighting' with their exam papers..O_o] We were given the chance to rest, and get back to Dewan Enggang 3 at 5.15 p.m.. The CEO [Hijazi] and Manager [me] were chosen, and the program started with session 'Penyelesaian Masalah dalam Bidang Tugas'.. Everyone need to write their personal view about 'pelaksanaan tugas sepanjang tempoh kami memegang jawatan', 'penerimaan orang ramai terhadap jawatan kita' and 'konklusi'.. So, here are some problems picked randomly by Mr. Shahid to be solved..

1. Masalah : Takut nak menegur orang lain walaupun dah ada jawatan  
    Penyelesaian : - Jangan anggap diri tak sempurna jika hendak menegur
                          - Jangan tengok diri orang yang menegur, tapi tengok apa yang ditegur(teguran yang diberi)
                          - Guna konsep segi tiga, tegur orang bawahan dulu(adik2), then orang yang sederhana 
                             penerimaannya dalam teguran, then barulah tegur orang2 yang betul2 hard core..  
                          - Dalam melaksanakan tugasan, buat untuk dapatkan pahala! 
                          - Konsep kerja : Mengimarahkan kebajikan dan menambahkan pahala

2. Masalah : Semangat untuk menjalankan tugas semakin luntur
    Penyelesaian : - Untuk menegur orang yang tak nak ikut peraturan, kita boleh tukar cara menegur atau 
                             teruskan je usaha (bila diorang dah bosan, diorang akan ikut jugak)
                          - Letakkan matlamat (hasil) yang rendah..( kalau tak boleh sampai ke bulan, memadailah
                             sampai ke langit)
                          - Tegur orang yang berbeza tahap dengan cara yang berbeza

3. Masalah : Tak selesa dengan pandaangan orang apabila jadi pemimpin
    Penyelesaian : - Itu perkara NORMAL..
                          - Teori pemikiran tak rasional : a. We must/always get what we want.
                                                                          b. Everyone will love you.
                                                                          c. If we're wrong, we always blame on others.
                          - Kalau tak rasa apa2 bila jadi pemimpin, it's not normal (bermasalah)
                          - Ubah cara berfikir.

4. Masalah : Tak tahu bidang tugas, so tak tahu nak buat apa..
    Penyelesaian : - Tanamkan kecintaan dalam diri terhadap jawatan dan tugas.
                          - If we love our job, we will put our efforts to  find so many ways to full our days with the
                            job, means we will not just sit back and doing nothing.
                          - Kalau kita faham tugas kita, jawatan kita, kita takkan kisah dah orang lain nak cakap ape.

Hmmm...dah habis baca? Ok, jom sama2 renungkan dan perbaiki diri agar dapat jadi leader yang mantop! Ada baaaaanyak lagi pengisian dalam kursus ni, but stop setakat ni dulu.. Later2 sambung lain, wait for the next entri! Tuan punya jari dah letih and lapar..~ So long...~ ^-^

Monday, 12 November 2012

Kesetiaan Dalam Tawakal...~

Lamanya la tak update blog.. Malas punye pasal..padahal ade je mcm2 cerita menarik nak dikongsi.. Hmm..x pelah.. Let it be safe and sound in the heart and mind.. =)

So, tonight's topic is 'Kesetiaan Dalam Tawakal'.. haha..sounds interesting right? I had just discussed bout the topic with my friend last night.. *Entah macam mana tetiba je terbincang sal topic nih.. =p So..let's see what we have to share.. : 

- If we want a relationship to keep everlasting till the age of suitable for marriage, especially for the teenagers, what we need to do is to be loyal.. And most important thing is to Tawakal to Allah.. So, how can we be loyal to someone and at the same time tawakal to Allah? 

In my opinion, when we think we like someone, we love someone, and we think that he/she is the perfect one for us, we definitely feel that we want to have an everlasting relationship... However, as a Muslim Teenager, we MUST NOT do something which is illegal in Islam, something that is over the limit in Islam.. We MUST NOT ruin the relationship with vices and sins... So friends, please do remember this sentences from Al-Quran :

 “Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui, sedangkan kamu tidak mengetahui.” (Al-Baqarah: 216)
Meaning that we must go back to Allah, give all our hopes and surrender to Allah.. Because we do not know what Allah has plan for us in the future... We, as Allah's weak servant, can only plan for something.. Allah The Almighty is The One who determine everything..  
So what can we do? Just PRAY to Allah.. 

"Ya Allah, jika dia benar untukku, dekatkanlah hatinya dengan hatiku.. Seandainya dia bukan milikku, damaikanlah hatiku dengan ketentuan-Mu..."
Try to listen deeply with your sincere heart, soul and mind to this song :

When we keep pray and pray to Allah, that shows our LOYALTY IN TAWAKAL.. =)

By the way, this is only my opinion about those "couple" things... For me, there's no need to use that term in a relationship.. Majority I saw and heard most of teenagers who coupled must ended with a clash or broken heart.. My Dear Friends..why you need to hurt yourself..??  Suffice merely with 'suka sama suka'.. No need to declare or spread out the news.. While you still don't have a legal relationship, just keep it in your heart.. This way can avoid slander from people around us.. It's better right to have a harmonious life? Sometimes, people are minding your affairs maybe because you did something wrong in the community.. If you didn't do anything wrong, believe me, no one would care what you want to do..(except those who are envy towards you) 

So, the conclusion is, during this young life, teenagers' life, NO NEED TO BOTHER ABOUT LOOKING FOR PARTNERS what so ever.. JUST LEAVE IT TO ALLAH.. ALLAH KNOWS WHAT BEST FOR US..  
If we like someone, don't tell that person, tell to Allah..
Katakanlah "jika kamu sembunyikan apa yang ada dalam hatimu atau kamu nyatakan, Allah pasti mengetahuinya. Dia mengetahui apa yang ada dilangit dan apa yang ada dibumi! Allah Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu" (al Imran:29)
Hanya pada Allah lah tempat mengadu segala isi hati.. Sesungguhnya ALLAH MAHA MENGETAHUI... (^_^)