Sunday, 23 March 2014

Just Be Grateful..~

Alhamdulillah, the date of 20th March 2014, where all the SPM 2013 candidates afraid of, had already passed.. For me, this meaningful date had carved such great, wonderful, yet sad moments in my entire life.
I was, and still am, grateful to Allah the Almighty, The Most Gracious and Merciful, for giving me a chance to achieve good results in SPM, and had ease my journey to university life. Alhamdulillah.. =)
Nevertheless, I was sad and guilty towards all the teachers for what had happened.. I am really really sorry to the teachers and all of my friends if I did not help much in the past two years. I believe, there must be something, a reason or wisdom, for everything that had happened. And I also believe that my friends and I, and even the teachers too, had tried our best during the SPM. But, 'kun faya kun'.

"Allah Pencipta langit dan bumi, dan bila Dia berkehendak (untuk menciptakan) sesuatu, maka (cukuplah) Dia hanya mengatakan kepadanya : Jadilah, lalu jadilah ia“. 

"Allah, The Originator of the heavens and the earth. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it : Be!- and it is."

Things had happened. Now, we need to take lessons or Ibrah from it and accept or Redha, even though it is painful to be accepted. 

Despite the sad moment, I am also very grateful that Allah had gave me a chance, a miracle perhaps, and a wonderful amazing fantastic miraculous blessed moment to me and my loved ones. I still feel like it was a dream, a sweet dream ever, as our dreams did actually come true. Allah knows Best, and He is The Best Planner. =)
I had a wonderful amazing fantastic miraculous blessed moment with all of my friends, a time where I hope, can happen again in the future. EE Burger, Cenang Mall, Cenang Beach, Dataran Helang, Penarak, all of these best places, were the witnesses of my strong bond and relationship with my friends, which will remain in my heart, my soul, and my mind, forever.  

p/s : most of the pictures are not upload yet from my friends' camera..huhu..

Friday, 14 March 2014

The Purpose of Life


When we were asked about what is our purpose of life, probably there will be a lot of answers, or even no answers at all! Some may say that our purpose of life is to study and achieve success, while some may say that our purpose of life is to repay our parents' kindness. As a Muslim, we would definitely say that our purpose of life is to do what Allah had told us to do, or in a simple word is to be Allah's servant.

Actually, all of those answers are categorised in TWO main purposes, which are :-

Besides, there are proves about those main purpose in the Al-Quran;

  وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنْسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ
Aku tidak menciptakan jin dan MANUSIA melainkan agar mereka BERIBADAH kepada-Ku
(Az-Zariyat : 56)

......... وَإِذْ قَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلاَئِكَةِ إِنِّي جَاعِلٌ فِي الأَرْضِ خَلِيفَةً 
Dan (ingatlah) ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada para malaikat "Aku hendak menjadikan KHALIFAH di bumi.".....
(Al-Baqarah : 30) 


The work scope as an Abid or servant is - 24 hours of Ibadah.
People might be confused about this statement. They might be asking, "we do our prayer only 5 times a day, so how come we have to make it as 24 hours?" or "Do we have to recite the Quran for 24 hours?"

Actually, something is called as Worship or Ibadah if it fulfill this two conditions :-
1. Our intentions is Lillahi Taala (Only because of Allah)
2. Do it with the correct way (follow the Syariat or Law in Islam)

So, do you get it clear? Everything that we do in everyday life, even taking a bath or driving a car, if we follow those two conditions, it will be called as an Ibadah. Studying and working is an Ibadah too if we do it because of Allah and obeys the Islam rule. =)


The main ideas of being a khalifah is, first, we need to build Islam in ourselves. DO NOT INHERIT Islam, but PRACTISE Islam. Build Islam in yourself first by learning and understanding.
Secondly, you HAVE TO teach others about the beauty of Islam, attract others to know Islam. Speak to others even only one sentence about Islam, as in hadith; In Saheeh al-Bukhaari (3461) it is narrated from ‘Abd-Allah ibn ‘Amr (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said:

"Convey from me, even if it is a verse"

We need to tell others about Islam but still at the same time we ARE learning Islam too. Insya-Allah..

Guess that's all for now. Hope to share more knowledge soon. ^^

P/S : currently in learning and consciousness need some time to realise and implement what I've learnt before writing it. Insya-Allah... :) and by the way, honestly I feel a bit hard to write important knowledges in English as I am afraid people wouldn't get what I am trying to say..hmm.. (-_-)"

Monday, 3 March 2014



Alhamdulillah, I just had a very adventurous, tiring yet enjoyable weekend..I had the chance to go back home last Friday, by flight. And I said that I am a survivor because I never travel alone in a not very common place to me before. It was a very nice adventure to me. :) I went to KTM - TBS - LCCT. I am very grateful that Allah had ease my journey to my hometown. 

I met many kinds of people along the journey. The one that interest me was an Indonesian woman, which I met in the LCCT musolla in the afternoon. She was waiting for her flight at 4 pm. Our conversation started when we both smiled at each other. :D She was going back to her hometown at Palembang, Indonesia. After a while, I went out for lunch, and when I came back, I saw her still in the musolla. I asked her whether she had had her lunch or not. She said that she would only eat bread as she did not have money to buy any food. Actually, she once worked as a servant or 'bibik' in someone's house in the city. Unfortunately, she was being fired after had worked there only for a month due to a mistake that she DID NOT make. She had been accused for damaging an electric appliance in the house. Pity her. I am not sure whether her story was true or not but still I felt very sorry for her. :(

I also met some women from Brunei during lunch time at the 'Taste of Asia' restaurant in LCCT. It was their first time in KL and they came here for a business affair. At first I could not recognize which country they were from because their accent is quite similar to Sarawakian, Sabahan and Indonesian. When I asked, then I knew that they were from Brunei Darussalam. ^^

OK, done with the journey part. Next story that I want to share is about my driving class. Yeah, that was the main reason why I need to go back home. From my early planning, I want to take my driving license when I was 25, exactly after I finish my study. But, I had to take it as soon as possible because starting from this April, they want to apply the new system which is anyone who already had a motor license then want to take a car license, they NEED to take the computer test AGAIN, so I do not want to do the same thing for a few times. =,=

I was very nervous to drive for the first time ever! And I pray hard to get a very nice teacher to teach me. At last, Alhamdulillah..I am very grateful that I got a strict yet nice and young Chinese teacher ^^. Overall, driving was fun actually, hehe...and it is easier from learning to ride a motorcycle, I think. =p

Oh yea, on my journey back to university, I met Heliza Helmi in the flight, but I did not have the chance to take picture with her. Hmmm never mind. But she is indeed very beautiful! Subhanallah…! :O

I guess that's all for this week. Adios!

p/s : why do I feel like my English is getting a bit terrible?? -_-