Monday, 24 February 2014



*Manage your feeling of longing to someone with Zikrullah.. Subhanallah, it is a great cure to your feeling of longing, missing, and loneliness!

*Loves Allah MORE than anybody or anything else in this world.

*Allah is the one who owns our hearts and souls.

*Ask guidance and strength from Allah about the heart's matters.

*Strengthen your IMAN with ZIKRULLAH, recite and understand the QURAN, and perform PRAYERS.


*It is not easy, but we CAN do it, as long as we put the whole TRUST and DEPENDENCE in Allah.  

p/s : a note as a reminder to myself.. T_T

Friday, 21 February 2014



Alhamdulillah, I've went through this week smoothly.. I've attended all the classes this week and I really enjoy it.. =)

Ok, what am I gonna write about is the experience I got when I went out to Mid Valley last Saturday. A week before I registered in the university, I had made a promise with my ex-college friends to meet them at the Mid Valley, At first I thought I wanna ask some of my new friends to accompany me to go there but they all went picnic with the sisters, so I can't force them. Well, I never go out using the KTM before, so I was a bit nervous, but I just tawakkal to Allah, the Best Guardian. make a long story short, I've made it to the Mid Valley to see my friends and we all had a great time watching Robocop. =D

On my way back home to the campus, I was exhausted. Luckily, I met a new friend in that bus, because she was sitting next to me, so I grabbed the chance to talk to her. At first, I thought she was a Chinese, but actually, she was a Vietnamese girl! Haha, I bet our conversation would be very interesting, and it did! Her name is Rachel, second year degree student in Biomedical Science. We share many things such as studies, food and hobbies. Haha, even though it was a not very long journey from Kajang to campus, but we managed to talk about many things.. (O_o) 

She told me that life as a degree student is very different from pre-foundation or foundation student (as she was shocked to hear that I enjoy the very much leisure and free time I have in the university, hehe..).  She said that almost everyday they will have classes, a report to be sent every week, and lots of assignments and lab research. So...I guess I really need to be prepare for that..huhu.. =/ But she did say that when she was in early first year degree, she did not have many classes too in a week until she took a week leave just to travel to Singapore.. =p

She loves travelling, just like me. She had travelled to Pangkor Island before, but unfortunately she said that the island's beach was not very beautiful. ( Err..ok, I don't know how to comment that..hee..) Well she did tell that news to her Malaysian friends in her class, and they suggested her to go to Tioman Island for a very mesmerizing beach. Besides, I suggested her to go to Langkawi Island too. I am guarantee that she will not regret for visiting Langkawi Island, in fact, she would be grateful (but she dislikes sweet food, so that's too bad as Langkawi is famous for its cheap and variety type of chocolates). Yeah, for me, Langkawi Island is the most meaningful place for me. I love it, and I miss it a lot! :'(

p/s : Last night I just had a great time watching Bee Movie at the sisters' house.. I am so grateful for the chance to get to know them. Alhamdulillah.. =D 

Saturday, 15 February 2014

A New Beginning...

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. if the fifth day I've been in a university.. What can I say about it? Ermm.. Well, at first I was not really eager to be here as I'm the only one from Langkawi who were chosen to be here.. So, there were no familiar faces here which make me feel very very awkward. Besides, my roommates are all seniors (the foundation students), and I am the only one in that room who is a pre-foundation student, so the awkward feeling grew larger and higher (as high as Mt. Everest! XD ) Furthermore, I don't really know how to be so friendly especially with someone who is older than me..huhu.. :(

However, I'm just hoping that after about a week or fortnight in here, I can adapt myself well with the people (there are lots of foreigners, international students :O ). Hmm what about friends? Alhamdulillah, there are all nice and friendly, and I hope that the nature will last longer..hehe.. Okay, if you ask me about the food here, well I can say that the food in the cafe here are tasty, but a little bit expensive, so I just eat there during lunch time only.. :p

So, what did I do in this week? I just joined the Induction programme, where the lecturers talked about the introduction of the subjects that I will learn for 8 weeks in here. Basically, I will learn about English Language only - reading, writing, listening, discussion etc. Well it sounds easy (hopefully) yet it will be quite challenging as we will learn how to write an academic essay (journals etc). But I believe that the learning will helps me a lot during my journey in the university later on. 

Oh yeah, the most interesting part is the picturesque scenery in here. I really love the calming lakeside. =)

Ok, I guess that's all for now. I'll be updating more every week ok, insya-Allah.. ^^

P/S : I really miss home actually..huhuu.. :'(    

Monday, 3 February 2014

I wish that...


Hmm.. Does everything that we do will cause us to feel the same thing in the end? 
Like what goes around comes around? Then how do we wanna avoid it?

I wish that I never know about love
I wish that I never think about love
I wish that I never had fall in love
I wish that all kids in this world are taught to NEVER  fall in love before nikah so that no one gets hurt and can live happily ever after with love after nikah...


I hate what had happened
I hate you who gives me hope
I hate you who then easily lose hope

Nevertheless, what can I do.. Things had already happened. I can't blame anyone. It's fate. I'm just a weak servant. Whatever it is I have to move on, have to act normal, have to be patience, have to be grateful. There's no use to regret it. 

The end.

Ujian dan keadilan...


Allah S.W.T sememangnya Maha Adil.
Ada insan dianugerahkan dengan kepandaian dalam pelajaran, namun diuji dengan kesunyian.
Ada insan dianugerahkan dengan kepintaran bersosial, namun diuji dengan cita-cita yang tidak kesampaian.
Ada insan dianugerahkan dengan keluarga yang sangat happening dan sporting, namun diuji dengan kekurangan dari segi akademik.
Ada insan dianugerahkan dengan fikiran yang luar biasa, namun diuji dari segi kewangan.

Dipendekkan cerita, semua perancangan Allah itu sebenarnya amat teratur dan indah. Yang penting kita hanya perlu bersyukur dan bersabar, kerana sesungguhnya harta yang paling bernilai dalam diri manusia adalah sifat syukur dan sabar. Usahlah merungut dengan kekurangan diri dan kehebatan orang lain kerana pada hakikatnya kehidupan kita di dunia ini sama sahaja, yang membezakan kita hanya ilmu, iman dan taqwa.

Ya, memang benar, semakin kita ingin berubah, semakin banyak ujian yang menimpa. NAMUN, kita haruslah bersabar, jangan cepat mengeluh dan jangan cepat berputus asa. Walaupun dari sudut psikologi kita tidak patut menyuruh orang yang mengalami tekanan untuk bersabar, tetapi hakikatnya itulah jalan keluar yang terbaik apabila menghadapi ujian. Dan yang sebaiknya, kita sepatutnya mengajar mereka mengenai cara untuk meningkatkan kesabaran. Lagi pula, memang hidup kita ini akan dipenuhi dengan ujian. Mengapa? Sebab pertama, kerana ujian lah yang menunjukkan Allah masih sayang akan hamba-Nya. Kedua, melalui ujian lah Allah akan menentukan siapakah antara hamba-Nya yang paling baik amalnya, seperti yang dinyatakan dalam surah Al-Mulk ayat 2,

"Yang menciptakan mati dan hidup, untuk MENGUJI kamu, siapa di antara kamu yang lebih baik amalnya. Dan Dia Maha Perkasa, Maha Pengampun. "
(Al-Mulk, ayat 2)

Dan Allah juga memang telah menyatakan bahawa orang-orang yang besabar memang akan memperoleh kebaikan dan kelebihan seperti dalam surah Al-Baqarah ayat 155,

"Dan kami pasti akan manguji kamu dengan sedikit ketakutan, kelaparan, kekurangan harta, jiwa, dan buah-buahan. Dan sampaikanlah KHABAR GEMBIRA KEPADA ORANG-ORANG YANG SABAR,"
(Al-Baqarah ayat 155)

Melalui ujian lah kita akan lebih sedar akan kekurangan diri dan ingin lebih dekat kepada Allah. Masa itulah kita akan merintih menangis memohon pertolongan dan kekuatan daripada Allah.. Bayangkan saja jika hidup kita tidak dilanda ujian, pasti kita, insan yang sering alpa dan leka akan terus lalai dengan kenikmatan dunia lantas terus jauh daripada kasih sayang Allah.. Inginkah kita menjadi sebegitu? Nauzubillah.. 

Tetapi ingatlah, apabila sesuatu ujian telah reda, janganlah pula kita lupa kepada Allah yang telah membantu dan memberi kekuatan kepada kita untuk menempuhinya. Bersyukurlah dan teruskan beramal ibadat serta istiqamah untuk terus berada dalam penglihatan kasih dan sayang Allah.. Insya-Allah...