Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah S.W.T for giving me an opportunity to go on vacation to Bandung with my beloved mom and dad.. The trip was merrier as we were joined by my dad's friends and their cute children.. For me, the trip was very exhausting yet very meaningful to me.. Most important is I am very grateful as my SPC's registration date is on 10th February 2014.. So, this means that I still got the chance to join the trip.. Allah had planned everything very nicely and beautifully.. Alhamdulillah.. <3
Let's go to the best part of the trip.
I say that the trip was meaningful because I learnt so many new things from it. I learn how to be grateful and appreciate our own beloved country Malaysia. Because Bandung, is a very compact and crowded city.. Even an inch of land were not wasted there.. Their houses were not like in Malaysia, where we still have spaces and compound around it. Besides, the housing area in Malaysia is orderly arranged, but in Bandung, the houses are scattered.. The road is very narrow and never skip from jammed.. However, the drivers there are very prudent. Even though the cars are crowded in the road, they never got mad or drive crazily. There are no accident happen in the narrow and crowded road.
Ok, this is the part yang 'macam-macam rasa'..
Hmm..what can I say about the people in Bandung? Most of them who are poor are willing to do any work to get money.. The elders sell key chains, bags, and any other souvenirs with variety range of prices. So we, as the tourist really need to beware and brilliant to negotiate the prices with them so that we can get good things at low prices.. Or else, you will be cheated! (like me..huhu.. =[ ) Oh yeah, I bet you'll be surprised to see small kids at the age of 4-6 years old selling flowers, tissues and even pestle and mortar! :O There are also men who work as a traffic controller.. They will stand in the middle of the road, especially in any junction to stop cars and give passage to other cars who would like to turn.. But, we must give tips to them.. haha, so that's how they will get money.. *unique! about the food? Everyday we just eat nasi padang, nasi padang, and nasi padang. Haha, because only that food that can suite our taste and stomach. Oh yea, not to forget, people there love salty food. So, most of the food like fried rice, fried noodle and even fried fish are salty! Huhu.. T.T But so far we still alive and not starving, thank Allah! hehe..
Overall, Bandung is a great place for shopping. All the items are cheap, (if we know how to nego). But if we plan to go on a calming and picturesque vacation, I would not recommend Bandung, because the only picturesque scene that you can get is at Tangkuban Parahu, the volcano.. But indeed, Tangkuban Parahu serve a very magnificent Allah's creation! Subhanallah!

Hmm..Vacation to Bandung also had changed my perceptions towards other people, especially a normal school student and a 6-year old kid. All this while I thought it's hard to find a normal school student who is pious, polite and have a very great respect for the elderly, but in that trip, I found one. An 18-year old boy, the eldest in family, the son of my dad's friend. His name? Haha, no need to mention la.. I seriously amazed on how such a very young boy who studies in a normal school (not a boarding school or even a religious school) love to join an Islamic Dakwah mission with the Ustazs.. Because all this while I only found that kind of person in boarding school and religious school of course. Well, indeed, DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY IT'S COVER.
And for that 6-year old kid, Sofi Adlina, also a child of my dad's friend. A very cute little girl who has very pleasant attitude and act like a big kid even though she's just only 6 year old. I'm impressed! She was very close to me during the trip, kept calling me 'kakak, kakak' anywhere I went to. Haha.. But she's fine and not annoying at all. So, I guess Allah had sent this kid to me so that later I will behave nicely towards my own niece, a 6-year old kid too. Insya-Allah..
Guess that's all about my trip to Bandung.. End. ^^
p/s : Haha.. I don't have that boy's picture. Buat apa nak ambil gambar die? -.-" haha..