Friday, 30 May 2014

YouthACE 2014 - Part 2


Semangat Al-Fateh : Membuka Kemenangan Hari Ini - Ustaz Syaari Rahman

Talk ini menceritakan kronologi di sebalik kehebatan Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh dalam membuka Kota Konstatinopel.Kunci UTAMA kejayaan tersebut adalah semangat PERCAYA yang ada dalam diri Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh dan tentera-tenteranya. Sudah terbukti daripada kisah para sahabat nabi sejak dahulu lagi bahawa orang yang sentiasa PERCAYA akan berjaya. Contohnya seperti kisah Saidatina Siti Hajar yang percaya akan bantuan dan rahmat Allah lantas dia tidak berputus asa untuk mencari air untuk anaknya, Nabi Ismail di tengah padang pasir.

Kota Konstantinopel, yang mempunyai gereja yang bilangannya melebihi bilangan hari dalam setahun, sememangnya telah kebal selama 1126 tahun daripada 29 kepungan. Untuk kisah lanjut mengenai kekebalan Kota Konstantinopel boleh baca di sini --> Kekuatan Kota Konstantinopel

Kemenangan yang diperoleh oleh Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh sebenarnya telah banyak dibantu oleh para sahabat terdahulu, yang berjuang menentang kaum Musyrikin sehingga berjaya menyempitkan Empayar Byzantine. Saiz Empayar Byzantine yang telah kecil sehingga yang tinggal hanya Kota Konstantinopel itulah yang membantu pasukan perang pimpinan Al-Fateh untuk maju. Selain itu, kestabilan kerajaan Uthmaniyyah dan juga pendidikan yang diterima oleh Al-Fateh daripada guru-gurunya seperti Mollah Gorani dan Syeikh Aksemseddin juga menjadi pendorong kepada kejayaan Al-Fateh. Dan faktor yang paling utama pastilah sifat PERCAYA yang ada dalam diri Al-Fateh, kepada hadis Nabi  

"Konstantinopel (kini Istanbul) akan jatuh ke tangan tentera Islam. Rajanya adalah sebaik-baik raja, tenteranya adalah sebaik-baik tentera…” (Hadis riwayat Imam Ahmad)

Jadi kesimpulannya, Ibrah yang boleh diambil daripada kisah Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh adalah semangat PERCAYA yang ada dalam diri beliau. Melalui semangat PERCAYA itu, kita dapat lihat hasil yang bakal kita peroleh dari awal, kita dapat merancang strategi-strategi yang sistematik, dan kita juga dapat bina kekuatan daripada pelbagai aspek seperti emosi dan spiritual. Semangat inilah yang patut kita, pemuda-pemudi zaman sekarang semaikan dalam diri agar cita-cita kita untuk menjadi khalifah di muka bumi, dan membantu ummah akan tercapai, lantas menyumbang kepada kemenangan umat Islam suatu hari nanti, In shaa Allah.. Dengan semangat PERCAYA ini, kita mampu untuk menempuhi pelbagai halangan dan cabaran dalam hidup, dan terus gigih berusaha untuk mengejar cita-cita kita. Wallahua'lam..

p/s : Ini hanya rumusan pendek kisah pembukaan Kota Konstantinopel oleh Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh. Kisah penuh, boleh rujuk --> Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh 

Sunday, 11 May 2014

YouthAce 2014 - Part 1


All this while, I never know what is 'YouthACE' or 'TeenACE' all about, until one day, my third brother whatsapp me about this programme. He asked me whether I'm free during that time (10th May 2014) and want to go there. At first I was a bit reluctant as I think it was like a usual 'ceramah', but after know that this programme is under Langit Ilahi (Hilal Asyraf's company), I decided to go. To avoid myself feeling lonely, I asked my friend, Nadia, to accompany me as she is Hilal Asyraf's fan, and she is the one who introduced me to Hilal Asyraf before.

More introduction about the YouthACE can be read here :-

Overall, YouthAce 2014 was an AWESOME programme. Alhamdulillah it went smoothly even though there were about 1500+ participant. These were some of the points that I got from this programme :-

1. Pemuda dan Perubahan - Hilal Asyraf

"Kami ceritakan kepadamu (Muhammad) kisah mereka dengan sebenarnya. Sesungguhnya mereka adalah pemuda-pemuda yang beriman kepada Tuhan mereka, dan Kami tambahkan petunjuk kepada mereka."
(Surah Al-Kahfi, 18 : 13)

- Pemuda : Golongan yang sepatutnya muda pada jiwa dan tubuh. Jangan hanya muda pada tubuh, namun tua pada jiwa - contohnya seperti golongan muda-mudi yang tidak larat melakukan aktiviti-aktiviti yang sepatutnya dilakukan, hanya tahu duduk di katil bersama teknologi.
- Perubahan : Berubah ke arah lebih baik. Tahu tujuan hidup; 1. mengabdikan diri kepada Allah (Az-Zaariyat : 56), 2. menjadi khalifah di muka bumi Allah (Al-Baqarah : 30).

Bagaimana melaksanakan tugas sebagai khalifah? 
  • Jadilah pakar dalam bidang masing-masing, guna kepakaran yang ada pada diri untuk disumbangkan ke arah Islam. Contoh : adakan Hospital tarbawi (tarbiyah), Game tarbawi
  • Kita perlu ubah diri sendiri, tapi pada masa yang sama, perlu tanamkan cita-cita untuk mengubah masyarakat juga, (melalui ajakan dan penyebaran ilmu / dakwah)
  • Sentiasa tanya pada diri, apa yang telah kita buat selama ini? Cukupkah dengan hanya diri sendiri sahaja jadi baik? Nak masuk syurga sorang2 je ke?
  • Jangan jadi hamba pada hiburan, terutamanya hiburan daripada barat (orang kafir). Ya, mungkin kita boleh keluarkan manfaat daripada hiburan (rancangan realiti tv, filem dll) yang dihasilkan oleh orang Barat tersebut, namun, sampai bila kita nak ambil manfaat daripada hasil kerja orang kafir? Sampai bila kita nak ambil pengajaran daripada golongan yang tidak menutup aurat? Di manakah filem2 Islam yang dihasilkan oleh orang Islam sendiri yang kita boleh dapat manfaat daripadanya??
  • Tokoh2 Islam dalam sirah Islam masih banyak yang boleh kita jadikan teladan, jadikan inspirasi, contoh seperti Usamah bin Zaid. 
  • Fahaman yang silap : Kalau tak ada harapan, nak usaha (ubah masyarakat) buat apa? Silap kerana Nabi Muhammad sendiri suruh sampaikan ilmu dan tanamkan benih dakwah tanpa henti walaupun dunia dah nak kiamat.
  • Tugas kita adalah untuk menanam benih dakwah, berusaha dan membina, yang selebihnya seperti hasil, sama ada berjaya atau tak, semua itu adalah urusan Allah, serahkan kepada Allah.
  • Ambil Ibrah daripada kisah di sebalik syair daripada Muhammad Iqbal tentang sistem yang ditinggalkan orang kafir kepada umat Islam - Mereka ajar anak singa agar menjadi kijang yang pengecut, dan mereka padamkan kisah-kisah singa pada bicara silam,
  • Ambil Ibrah daripada kisah Nabi Yunus - kita tak boleh asyik salahkan orang lain, kita sendirilah yang perlu sering muhasabah diri dan sesali diri, tidak putus asa daripada ujian Allah. Jika Nabi Yunus tidak menyesali diri dan memohon keampunan Allah, Allah akan membiarkan beliau mati di dalam perut ikan nun itu, padahal kaumnya telah pun beriman.

End of part 1. There were a lot more sessions in YouthACE 2014 which I'll share the points in the next post. Insya-Allah.. =)

#semogaAllahredha =)

p/s : sorry if the points are too simple..

Aku Tanpa Cinta-Mu


Hey everyone.. Today I'm going to share my all time evergreen favourite song which is - Aku Tanpa Cinta-Mu by Mirwana ft Jay Jay. Seat back, listen and understand the meaningful lyric k.. =)

Telah ku mungkiri janjiku lagi
Walau seribu kali
Ku ulang sendiri 
Aku takkan tempuh lagi
Apakah kau terima cintaku lagi
Setelah ku berpaling
Dari pandanganMu
Yang kabur kerna jahilnya aku

Mengapa cintaMu tak pernah hadir
Subur dalam jiwaku
Agarku tetap bahagia
Tanpa cintaku tetaplah Kau di sana
Aku tanpa cintaMu
Bagai layang-layang terputus talinya

Telah ku mungkiri janjiku lagi
Walau seribu kali
Ku ulang sendiri 
Aku takkan tempuh lagi
Apakah kau terima cintaku lagi
Setelah ku berpaling
Dari pandanganMu
Yang kabur kerna jahilnya aku

Masihkah ada sekelumit belas
Mengemis kasihMu Tuhan
Untukku berpaut dan bersandar

Firman Allah S.W.T,

لَهُ مُعَقِّبَاتٌ مِنْ بَيْنِ يَدَيْهِ وَمِنْ خَلْفِهِ يَحْفَظُونَهُ مِنْ أَمْرِ اللَّهِ ۗ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوْمٍ حَتَّىٰ يُغَيِّرُوا مَا بِأَنْفُسِهِمْ ۗ وَإِذَا أَرَادَ اللَّهُ بِقَوْمٍ سُوءًا فَلَا   مَرَدَّ لَهُ ۚ وَمَا لَهُمْ مِنْ دُونِهِ مِنْ وَالٍ

"Bagi manusia ada malaikat-malaikat yang selalu menjaganya bergiliran, dari hadapan dan belakangnya. Mereka menjaganya atas perintah Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah keadaan sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah keadaan yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri. Dan apabila Allah menghendaki keburukan terhadap sesuatu kaum, maka tidak ada yang dapat menolaknya; dan sekali-kali tidak ada pelindung bagi mereka selain Dia."
(Surah Ar-Rad, 13 : 11) 

Foundation in Science..


Alhamdulillah, I've done with the first week of Foundation in Science classes.. Hmm for sure, the classes are begin to compact, and the syllabus are getting tougher too. Even though major of the topics that I will learn are the topics which I had learnt already before in high school, but I can't deny that my brain are getting a bit 'rusty'. That is why I felt a bit regret for leaving all my books at my previous school after the SPM, (not including the reference books which I had given to my juniors as I hope it can be my 'saham akhirat', insya-Allah). Hmm well its ok, I'll buy new books then. 

Sometimes I felt a bit 'annoyed' with people who keep talking about the higher requirement that is needed to further in pharmacy degree. I know that they are trying to motivate us (who will take pharmacy degree) to work harder, but if you keep on talking, it will become annoying OK. -_-
Fortunately, my best friend told me that the higher the requirement, the higher the quality of a person. So, insya-Allah, I'll try my best to achieve the target needed to become a successful pharmacist one day, so that I can contribute something to the ummah.

By the way, one thing that sometimes makes me worried is the independent study that I need to apply in here, especially when writing the lab report. NO GRAMMAR ERROR, NO PLAGIARISM, and I wonder how am I going to get through it?! Besides, we really need to make an early reading on the topics that we are going to learn as I think the lecture notes or practical manual are not enough to get the full understanding about the topics (even the lecturer said so). So that is why I really need to have my own reference books. Imagine 120++ students going to borrow the same books from the library, I am guarantee that the books are not enough. Furthermore, from the timetable that I had received, there will be two classes that will undergo time clash, and I hope this matter will be settled by tomorrow.  -_-" Hope Allah ease me and my friends' study in here. 

#gettingbusier #fastlectures

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Random Poem~


I am a big girl, 
I can live without depending to anybody, 
Because only to Allah The Almighty I should depend to.

I am a big girl, 
I do not need any boys to give me spirits, 
Because depending on boys are such a useless act.

I am a big girl, 
I can survive if I did not have a gang or clan, 
As long as I did not do anything wrong, 
Or hurt anybody's feeling.

I am a big girl, 
I can go anywhere that I want to, 
Without burdening anyone by asking them to send me,
Because I believe Allah is always by my side to protect me.

I am a big girl, 
I can make my own decisions,
Without being influenced by anybody's opinion, 
Or being forced by anyone,
Because I am the one who will face 
all the consequences in my future.

I am a big girl, 
And I know that I'm strong enough 
to face all the obstacles in my life, 
As long as I ask for Allah's help and guidance. 


"فَإِن تَوَلَّوْاْ فَقُلْ حَسْبِيَ اللّهُ لا إِلَـهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ عَلَيْهِ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَهُوَ رَبُّ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظِيمِ"

"Jika mereka berpaling (daripada keimanan), maka katakanlah : "Cukuplah Allah bagiku; tidak ada Tuhan selain Dia. Hanya kepada-Nya aku bertawakal dan Dia adalah Tuhan yang memiliki Arasy (singgahsana) yang agung."

(Surah At-Taubah, 9 : 129)

p/s : just trying to coax myself =/

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Terrifying Experience.


Now, it’s already 2.13 a.m, and I am writing in the train, heading to my beloved home town in Alor Setar.. The journey from Kuala Lumpur to Alor Setar by train is approximately about eight to nine hours, or longer I think.. Huaa..I seriously can’t sleep in this 2nd class seat, it’s too noisy and the lights are on. Next time, whenever I’m going to travel by train, I’ll take the bed for sure. Hmm,  I think I have to sit in this train for about five hours more, and because of I can’t sleep, I take this chance to write..  Yeah I know it has been quite a long time I didn’t write a new entry (did I?) Haha.. and you wonder why? Perhaps I’m too busy doing nothing, (which means I’m lazy to write la.. =p) Oh yeah, actually this is my first time experience taking a train. I was excited at first, but now….hehe..I’ve returned to the ordinary me. ^^

To be honest, I am very grateful because this time, I go back home to Alor Setar not by myself, but accompanied by my colleagues.. Actually, I don’t know whether I still have the guts to travel alone after this due to the terrifying incident happened last week.. =(

Ok, that is what I’m going to write about in this early morning, the terrifying incident.

Last Friday, on 11th April, there was a girl, who planned to go to KLCC to celebrate her best friend’s birthday. They planned to go to Petrosains. So, she took the 9.15 a.m bus from campus to KTM. Luckily, her other friends took the same bus too, but they were heading to different places from the KTM. As they arrived at the KTM, they waited at the platform as usual, whilst chit-chatting to each other. During that time, she actually had realised that they had been stared by a stranger who stood in front of them, but she tried to ignore his action. When the train had arrived, they stood up and rushed towards the nearest door. Out of the blue, that strange man came towards her and started to 'be nice' to her. She felt very scared so she held her friend’s arm tightly. He started to talk nonsense to her. Luckily, her friend pulled her arm and asked her to run as they wanted to enter the Lady’s Coach, which located a bit further from the door that they first wanted to enter.

Her friends were in confusion to see her pale face, so she told them about the terrifying incident.  She felt relieved as they had entered the Lady’s Coach and had separated with the strange psychotic man. However, to her astonishment, she saw the same man was standing near them, between the Mix Coach and the Lady’s Coach. She was in great shock as she can’t believe that the man tried to find them and walked from the first coach to the Lady’s Coach (because as far as she knew, the distance from the first coach to the Lady’s Coach was quite far). She told her friends about the man’s existence. Her friends were also in great shock. They tried to coax her by asking her to think positively, like perhaps she had dropped something and he wanted to give it back to her, or perhaps he was her parents’ friend etc. But she couldn’t think or accept any other logic reasons at all. So, they brainstorming and came out with a strategy, which was to pretend as if they were going to go out from the train at the next station.

When the train stopped at the next station, they quickly walk towards the crowd who were going to go out, but instead of going out, they walked straight to the other Lady’s Coach, farther from their former place. Meanwhile, she kept praying hard for Allah’s help and protection. Luckily, after the train had moved away from the station, they did not see the man anymore.

Till now, she still prays to Allah so that she would not see that man anymore, forever. 

The Ibrah (lessons) that I get from the incident were: -
  • Every time we go out from house, (to travel etc), we have to pray for Allah's protection and Tawakkaltua'lallah..
  • No matter where and when, we HAVE to REMEMBER ALLAH.
  • Allah is the only BEST PROTECTOR, trust Him no matter what.
  • Covering the 'AURAT' will not guarantee that bad people would not disturb you. It's all back to the 'niat' (intention), is it really for covering the 'aurat' or just to look pretty? 
  • Allah will give His servants test and tribulations to pull His servants back to Him. Allahu Rabbi. :')  
Here are a few good du'a to recite when we need Allah's protection :-

1. Ayat Al-Kursi

اللَّهُ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ لاَ تَأْخُذُهُ سِنَةٌ وَلاَ نَوْمٌ لَهُ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا فِي الأَرْضِ مَنْ ذَا الَّذِي يَشْفَعُ عِنْدَهُ إِلاَّ بِإِذْنِهِ يَعْلَمُ مَا بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمَا خَلْفَهُمْ وَلاَ يُحِيطُونَ بِشَيْءٍ مِنْ عِلْمِهِ إِلاَّ بِمَا شَاءَ وَسِعَ كُرْسِيُّهُ السَّمَاو ;َاتِ وَالأَرْضَ وَلاَ يَئُودُهُ حِفْظُهُمَا وَهُوَ الْعَلِيُّ الْعَظِيمُ

"There is no god but He,The Living, the Everlasting, Slumber seizes Him not, neither sleep, To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. Who is there that can intercede with His, except by His leave? He knows what lies before them and what is after them, 
And they comprehend not anything of His Knowledge save as He wills. His throne comprises the heavens and the earth, The preserving of them fatigues Him not, And He is the All-High, All-Glorious." 

 [Surat al-Baqarah : 255] 
2. Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, An-Nas (3 Qul)

p/s : I only have the chance to post this entry today due to the problem with internet connection.. :) 

Friday, 4 April 2014

A Year Ago...


Alhamdulillah, today is the 4th of April, so in 6 days more it will be enough of 2 months I've been in this university. I'm so grateful that Allah had ease my way to enter university life after the SPM result came out. And I hope that all of my friends out there will have an easy way to further their study too, Insya-Allah..

So, what will this post talk about? A year ago? What had happened a year ago?
Yeah, during this week, the first week of April, but in 2013, there's something happened during that week which I could still clearly remember until now, even though it has been a year ago. Seriously, I can't believe myself that it has been a year passed because all of the memories I had in my previous school were felt like just a few days ago it happened.

          Actually, the thing that I want to share today was not the kind of important story or something. It just part of my memory that I couldn’t forget. Haha.. I don’t know the exact date of it but I just can recall that it happened right after 30th of March, which was around the first week of April.

          Right after the school holiday was over, and I need to go back to Langkawi, I realised that my left eye was red. I told my mother and she was afraid that I might have conjunctivitis. Unfortunately, I had already bought the ferry ticket and all that I can do is just hoping that the redness of my left eye would fade. However, that night, which is Sunday night, my left eye was still red. The same condition happened the next day, until, on the Monday night, where I supposed to have discussion with my Biology group members during the Program Gemilang (PG) session, I refused to join them as my left eye started to feel itchy. So, I sat in the BWP’s room, studying Biology by myself, accompanied by the Account students who were busy finishing their assignment. After the PG session, I was so hungry but I was embarrassed to go to the Dining Hall (DS), so I asked my classmate to buy a lot of breads for me from the college shop. Meanwhile, I hid behind the cement wall. (=.=)”

          So, the next day, I decided to go to the clinic. When I was waiting for my name to be called by the nurse, I saw an English couple came to the clinic. I was wondering what made them came to the clinic, and out of the blue, I saw that English man’s eye was red too! XD I laughed in my heart and said, “at least I got a gang”. =p But poor that English man, I bet their vacation would not be an interesting one then. =(

          After came back from the clinic, I was asked to go back home as the hostel administrator wouldn’t allow any students having infectious diseases to stay at the sickbay. (T_T) I was sad, but, yay! No students wouldn’t be happy when they are allowed to go back home. ^^ So, before I went back home that evening, I was so hungry so I forced myself to go to the DS to eat, but I went there at almost 3 p.m, because I didn’t want any other students to see me. =p   

          Then, I was wondering, how I am going to get to the jetty by myself? I thought that I need to take the taxi, but luckily, I bump into my warden and she was willing to send me to the jetty. =) Along the way to buy the ferry ticket and to go inside the waiting room, I forced myself to look down only. I hold a handkerchief to cover my left eye, huhuhu.. (T_T) While I was waiting to board the ferry, suddenly my ears caught a very soothing song. There was a man, who was playing a guitar, sitting near me. He was playing a song that I’ve heard it before, but I just couldn’t remember the title. He played that song slowly, and when he sang the chorus, I got it that it was the ‘Hey There Delilah’ song. :D

Hey there Delilah
What's it like in New York City?
I'm a thousand miles away
But girl tonight you look so pretty
Yes you do
Times Square can't shine as bright as you
I swear it's true

Hey there Delilah
Don't you worry about the distance
I'm right there if you get lonely
Give this song another listen
Close your eyes
Listen to my voice it's my disguise
I'm by your side

Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
What you do to me

Hey there Delilah
I know times are getting hard
But just believe me girl
Someday I'll pay the bills with this guitar
We'll have it good
We'll have the life we knew we would
My word is good

Hey there Delilah
I've got so much left to say
If every simple song I wrote to you
Would take your breath away
I'd write it all
Even more in love with me you'd fall
We'd have it all

Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me

A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got planes and trains and cars
I'd walk to you if I had no other way
Our friends would all make fun of us
and we'll just laugh along because we know
That none of them have felt this way
Delilah I can promise you
That by the time we get through
The world will never ever be the same
And you're to blame

Hey there Delilah
You be good and don't you miss me
Two more years and you'll be done with school
And I'll be making history like I do
You know it's all because of you
We can do whatever we want to
Hey there Delilah here's to you
This one’s for you

Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
What you do to me.

So now, whenever I heard that song, it would always remind me of that memory. Besides, I love the lyrics! Felt meaningful to me. <3

Well, I need to take a week leave from school to fully recover. =) hehehe..
The End.

p/s : There are a lot of other songs which contain my memories in it. If I have more other leisure times, I’ll share it here… ^^

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Just Be Grateful..~

Alhamdulillah, the date of 20th March 2014, where all the SPM 2013 candidates afraid of, had already passed.. For me, this meaningful date had carved such great, wonderful, yet sad moments in my entire life.
I was, and still am, grateful to Allah the Almighty, The Most Gracious and Merciful, for giving me a chance to achieve good results in SPM, and had ease my journey to university life. Alhamdulillah.. =)
Nevertheless, I was sad and guilty towards all the teachers for what had happened.. I am really really sorry to the teachers and all of my friends if I did not help much in the past two years. I believe, there must be something, a reason or wisdom, for everything that had happened. And I also believe that my friends and I, and even the teachers too, had tried our best during the SPM. But, 'kun faya kun'.

"Allah Pencipta langit dan bumi, dan bila Dia berkehendak (untuk menciptakan) sesuatu, maka (cukuplah) Dia hanya mengatakan kepadanya : Jadilah, lalu jadilah ia“. 

"Allah, The Originator of the heavens and the earth. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it : Be!- and it is."

Things had happened. Now, we need to take lessons or Ibrah from it and accept or Redha, even though it is painful to be accepted. 

Despite the sad moment, I am also very grateful that Allah had gave me a chance, a miracle perhaps, and a wonderful amazing fantastic miraculous blessed moment to me and my loved ones. I still feel like it was a dream, a sweet dream ever, as our dreams did actually come true. Allah knows Best, and He is The Best Planner. =)
I had a wonderful amazing fantastic miraculous blessed moment with all of my friends, a time where I hope, can happen again in the future. EE Burger, Cenang Mall, Cenang Beach, Dataran Helang, Penarak, all of these best places, were the witnesses of my strong bond and relationship with my friends, which will remain in my heart, my soul, and my mind, forever.  

p/s : most of the pictures are not upload yet from my friends' camera..huhu..

Friday, 14 March 2014

The Purpose of Life


When we were asked about what is our purpose of life, probably there will be a lot of answers, or even no answers at all! Some may say that our purpose of life is to study and achieve success, while some may say that our purpose of life is to repay our parents' kindness. As a Muslim, we would definitely say that our purpose of life is to do what Allah had told us to do, or in a simple word is to be Allah's servant.

Actually, all of those answers are categorised in TWO main purposes, which are :-

Besides, there are proves about those main purpose in the Al-Quran;

  وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنْسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ
Aku tidak menciptakan jin dan MANUSIA melainkan agar mereka BERIBADAH kepada-Ku
(Az-Zariyat : 56)

......... وَإِذْ قَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلاَئِكَةِ إِنِّي جَاعِلٌ فِي الأَرْضِ خَلِيفَةً 
Dan (ingatlah) ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada para malaikat "Aku hendak menjadikan KHALIFAH di bumi.".....
(Al-Baqarah : 30) 


The work scope as an Abid or servant is - 24 hours of Ibadah.
People might be confused about this statement. They might be asking, "we do our prayer only 5 times a day, so how come we have to make it as 24 hours?" or "Do we have to recite the Quran for 24 hours?"

Actually, something is called as Worship or Ibadah if it fulfill this two conditions :-
1. Our intentions is Lillahi Taala (Only because of Allah)
2. Do it with the correct way (follow the Syariat or Law in Islam)

So, do you get it clear? Everything that we do in everyday life, even taking a bath or driving a car, if we follow those two conditions, it will be called as an Ibadah. Studying and working is an Ibadah too if we do it because of Allah and obeys the Islam rule. =)


The main ideas of being a khalifah is, first, we need to build Islam in ourselves. DO NOT INHERIT Islam, but PRACTISE Islam. Build Islam in yourself first by learning and understanding.
Secondly, you HAVE TO teach others about the beauty of Islam, attract others to know Islam. Speak to others even only one sentence about Islam, as in hadith; In Saheeh al-Bukhaari (3461) it is narrated from ‘Abd-Allah ibn ‘Amr (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said:

"Convey from me, even if it is a verse"

We need to tell others about Islam but still at the same time we ARE learning Islam too. Insya-Allah..

Guess that's all for now. Hope to share more knowledge soon. ^^

P/S : currently in learning and consciousness need some time to realise and implement what I've learnt before writing it. Insya-Allah... :) and by the way, honestly I feel a bit hard to write important knowledges in English as I am afraid people wouldn't get what I am trying to say..hmm.. (-_-)"

Monday, 3 March 2014



Alhamdulillah, I just had a very adventurous, tiring yet enjoyable weekend..I had the chance to go back home last Friday, by flight. And I said that I am a survivor because I never travel alone in a not very common place to me before. It was a very nice adventure to me. :) I went to KTM - TBS - LCCT. I am very grateful that Allah had ease my journey to my hometown. 

I met many kinds of people along the journey. The one that interest me was an Indonesian woman, which I met in the LCCT musolla in the afternoon. She was waiting for her flight at 4 pm. Our conversation started when we both smiled at each other. :D She was going back to her hometown at Palembang, Indonesia. After a while, I went out for lunch, and when I came back, I saw her still in the musolla. I asked her whether she had had her lunch or not. She said that she would only eat bread as she did not have money to buy any food. Actually, she once worked as a servant or 'bibik' in someone's house in the city. Unfortunately, she was being fired after had worked there only for a month due to a mistake that she DID NOT make. She had been accused for damaging an electric appliance in the house. Pity her. I am not sure whether her story was true or not but still I felt very sorry for her. :(

I also met some women from Brunei during lunch time at the 'Taste of Asia' restaurant in LCCT. It was their first time in KL and they came here for a business affair. At first I could not recognize which country they were from because their accent is quite similar to Sarawakian, Sabahan and Indonesian. When I asked, then I knew that they were from Brunei Darussalam. ^^

OK, done with the journey part. Next story that I want to share is about my driving class. Yeah, that was the main reason why I need to go back home. From my early planning, I want to take my driving license when I was 25, exactly after I finish my study. But, I had to take it as soon as possible because starting from this April, they want to apply the new system which is anyone who already had a motor license then want to take a car license, they NEED to take the computer test AGAIN, so I do not want to do the same thing for a few times. =,=

I was very nervous to drive for the first time ever! And I pray hard to get a very nice teacher to teach me. At last, Alhamdulillah..I am very grateful that I got a strict yet nice and young Chinese teacher ^^. Overall, driving was fun actually, hehe...and it is easier from learning to ride a motorcycle, I think. =p

Oh yea, on my journey back to university, I met Heliza Helmi in the flight, but I did not have the chance to take picture with her. Hmmm never mind. But she is indeed very beautiful! Subhanallah…! :O

I guess that's all for this week. Adios!

p/s : why do I feel like my English is getting a bit terrible?? -_-

Monday, 24 February 2014



*Manage your feeling of longing to someone with Zikrullah.. Subhanallah, it is a great cure to your feeling of longing, missing, and loneliness!

*Loves Allah MORE than anybody or anything else in this world.

*Allah is the one who owns our hearts and souls.

*Ask guidance and strength from Allah about the heart's matters.

*Strengthen your IMAN with ZIKRULLAH, recite and understand the QURAN, and perform PRAYERS.


*It is not easy, but we CAN do it, as long as we put the whole TRUST and DEPENDENCE in Allah.  

p/s : a note as a reminder to myself.. T_T

Friday, 21 February 2014



Alhamdulillah, I've went through this week smoothly.. I've attended all the classes this week and I really enjoy it.. =)

Ok, what am I gonna write about is the experience I got when I went out to Mid Valley last Saturday. A week before I registered in the university, I had made a promise with my ex-college friends to meet them at the Mid Valley, At first I thought I wanna ask some of my new friends to accompany me to go there but they all went picnic with the sisters, so I can't force them. Well, I never go out using the KTM before, so I was a bit nervous, but I just tawakkal to Allah, the Best Guardian. make a long story short, I've made it to the Mid Valley to see my friends and we all had a great time watching Robocop. =D

On my way back home to the campus, I was exhausted. Luckily, I met a new friend in that bus, because she was sitting next to me, so I grabbed the chance to talk to her. At first, I thought she was a Chinese, but actually, she was a Vietnamese girl! Haha, I bet our conversation would be very interesting, and it did! Her name is Rachel, second year degree student in Biomedical Science. We share many things such as studies, food and hobbies. Haha, even though it was a not very long journey from Kajang to campus, but we managed to talk about many things.. (O_o) 

She told me that life as a degree student is very different from pre-foundation or foundation student (as she was shocked to hear that I enjoy the very much leisure and free time I have in the university, hehe..).  She said that almost everyday they will have classes, a report to be sent every week, and lots of assignments and lab research. So...I guess I really need to be prepare for that..huhu.. =/ But she did say that when she was in early first year degree, she did not have many classes too in a week until she took a week leave just to travel to Singapore.. =p

She loves travelling, just like me. She had travelled to Pangkor Island before, but unfortunately she said that the island's beach was not very beautiful. ( Err..ok, I don't know how to comment that..hee..) Well she did tell that news to her Malaysian friends in her class, and they suggested her to go to Tioman Island for a very mesmerizing beach. Besides, I suggested her to go to Langkawi Island too. I am guarantee that she will not regret for visiting Langkawi Island, in fact, she would be grateful (but she dislikes sweet food, so that's too bad as Langkawi is famous for its cheap and variety type of chocolates). Yeah, for me, Langkawi Island is the most meaningful place for me. I love it, and I miss it a lot! :'(

p/s : Last night I just had a great time watching Bee Movie at the sisters' house.. I am so grateful for the chance to get to know them. Alhamdulillah.. =D 

Saturday, 15 February 2014

A New Beginning...

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. if the fifth day I've been in a university.. What can I say about it? Ermm.. Well, at first I was not really eager to be here as I'm the only one from Langkawi who were chosen to be here.. So, there were no familiar faces here which make me feel very very awkward. Besides, my roommates are all seniors (the foundation students), and I am the only one in that room who is a pre-foundation student, so the awkward feeling grew larger and higher (as high as Mt. Everest! XD ) Furthermore, I don't really know how to be so friendly especially with someone who is older than me..huhu.. :(

However, I'm just hoping that after about a week or fortnight in here, I can adapt myself well with the people (there are lots of foreigners, international students :O ). Hmm what about friends? Alhamdulillah, there are all nice and friendly, and I hope that the nature will last longer..hehe.. Okay, if you ask me about the food here, well I can say that the food in the cafe here are tasty, but a little bit expensive, so I just eat there during lunch time only.. :p

So, what did I do in this week? I just joined the Induction programme, where the lecturers talked about the introduction of the subjects that I will learn for 8 weeks in here. Basically, I will learn about English Language only - reading, writing, listening, discussion etc. Well it sounds easy (hopefully) yet it will be quite challenging as we will learn how to write an academic essay (journals etc). But I believe that the learning will helps me a lot during my journey in the university later on. 

Oh yeah, the most interesting part is the picturesque scenery in here. I really love the calming lakeside. =)

Ok, I guess that's all for now. I'll be updating more every week ok, insya-Allah.. ^^

P/S : I really miss home actually..huhuu.. :'(    

Monday, 3 February 2014

I wish that...


Hmm.. Does everything that we do will cause us to feel the same thing in the end? 
Like what goes around comes around? Then how do we wanna avoid it?

I wish that I never know about love
I wish that I never think about love
I wish that I never had fall in love
I wish that all kids in this world are taught to NEVER  fall in love before nikah so that no one gets hurt and can live happily ever after with love after nikah...


I hate what had happened
I hate you who gives me hope
I hate you who then easily lose hope

Nevertheless, what can I do.. Things had already happened. I can't blame anyone. It's fate. I'm just a weak servant. Whatever it is I have to move on, have to act normal, have to be patience, have to be grateful. There's no use to regret it. 

The end.

Ujian dan keadilan...


Allah S.W.T sememangnya Maha Adil.
Ada insan dianugerahkan dengan kepandaian dalam pelajaran, namun diuji dengan kesunyian.
Ada insan dianugerahkan dengan kepintaran bersosial, namun diuji dengan cita-cita yang tidak kesampaian.
Ada insan dianugerahkan dengan keluarga yang sangat happening dan sporting, namun diuji dengan kekurangan dari segi akademik.
Ada insan dianugerahkan dengan fikiran yang luar biasa, namun diuji dari segi kewangan.

Dipendekkan cerita, semua perancangan Allah itu sebenarnya amat teratur dan indah. Yang penting kita hanya perlu bersyukur dan bersabar, kerana sesungguhnya harta yang paling bernilai dalam diri manusia adalah sifat syukur dan sabar. Usahlah merungut dengan kekurangan diri dan kehebatan orang lain kerana pada hakikatnya kehidupan kita di dunia ini sama sahaja, yang membezakan kita hanya ilmu, iman dan taqwa.

Ya, memang benar, semakin kita ingin berubah, semakin banyak ujian yang menimpa. NAMUN, kita haruslah bersabar, jangan cepat mengeluh dan jangan cepat berputus asa. Walaupun dari sudut psikologi kita tidak patut menyuruh orang yang mengalami tekanan untuk bersabar, tetapi hakikatnya itulah jalan keluar yang terbaik apabila menghadapi ujian. Dan yang sebaiknya, kita sepatutnya mengajar mereka mengenai cara untuk meningkatkan kesabaran. Lagi pula, memang hidup kita ini akan dipenuhi dengan ujian. Mengapa? Sebab pertama, kerana ujian lah yang menunjukkan Allah masih sayang akan hamba-Nya. Kedua, melalui ujian lah Allah akan menentukan siapakah antara hamba-Nya yang paling baik amalnya, seperti yang dinyatakan dalam surah Al-Mulk ayat 2,

"Yang menciptakan mati dan hidup, untuk MENGUJI kamu, siapa di antara kamu yang lebih baik amalnya. Dan Dia Maha Perkasa, Maha Pengampun. "
(Al-Mulk, ayat 2)

Dan Allah juga memang telah menyatakan bahawa orang-orang yang besabar memang akan memperoleh kebaikan dan kelebihan seperti dalam surah Al-Baqarah ayat 155,

"Dan kami pasti akan manguji kamu dengan sedikit ketakutan, kelaparan, kekurangan harta, jiwa, dan buah-buahan. Dan sampaikanlah KHABAR GEMBIRA KEPADA ORANG-ORANG YANG SABAR,"
(Al-Baqarah ayat 155)

Melalui ujian lah kita akan lebih sedar akan kekurangan diri dan ingin lebih dekat kepada Allah. Masa itulah kita akan merintih menangis memohon pertolongan dan kekuatan daripada Allah.. Bayangkan saja jika hidup kita tidak dilanda ujian, pasti kita, insan yang sering alpa dan leka akan terus lalai dengan kenikmatan dunia lantas terus jauh daripada kasih sayang Allah.. Inginkah kita menjadi sebegitu? Nauzubillah.. 

Tetapi ingatlah, apabila sesuatu ujian telah reda, janganlah pula kita lupa kepada Allah yang telah membantu dan memberi kekuatan kepada kita untuk menempuhinya. Bersyukurlah dan teruskan beramal ibadat serta istiqamah untuk terus berada dalam penglihatan kasih dan sayang Allah.. Insya-Allah...   

Tuesday, 28 January 2014



Seems like my dream to have a life story like in Dear Yayah had broken. Well, I guess it was my fault too. Redha sajalah....

Patah Seribu - Shila Amzah

Walau kau tiada di sini
Ku tetap ingat semua pesanmu
Ku hidup seolah-olah kau masih ada
Bisikan kata kepadaku

Bilakah kau akan utuskan surat buatku
Aku terus menunggu tibanya kata cintamu

Oh.. patah seribu hatiku
Bila mengenangkan segala yang kita bina bersama
Haruskah ku lupa kerna engkau telah pergi

Biar pergimu tanpa relamu
Namun hatiku tetap merasa
Kejamnya kau meninggalkanku dengan nota-nota
cinta buat kita berdua 
Bila kan ku bisa menerima ketiadaanmu
Kan ku bakar semua hapuskan semua kenangan

Patah seribu hatiku
Bila mengenangkan segala yang kita bina bersama
Haruskah ku lupa kerna engkau telah pergi

Sayangku mohon padamu
Segera tinggalkanku
Pergilah kau ke tempat yang kau tuju
Pasti ada hikmah buatmu dan juga buat diriku

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Poem of the Heart...


Left me, abandoned me, forget me, neglected me.
You're not mine, Your soul is not mine, your heart is not mine, your mind is not mine.
Felt PAIN, felt strain.
Felt hatred, felt scattered.
Felt mad, felt sad.
The emotional, the disposal.
The confusion, the illusion.
CRY, try, shy, fly.
The tears and the bears.
Of why?
I love you, I hate you.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Bandung - A Trip To Remember

Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah S.W.T for giving me an opportunity to go on vacation to Bandung with my beloved mom and dad.. The trip was merrier as we were joined by my dad's friends and their cute children.. For me, the trip was very exhausting yet very meaningful to me.. Most important is I am very grateful as my SPC's registration date is on 10th February 2014.. So, this means that I still got the chance to join the trip.. Allah had planned everything very nicely and beautifully.. Alhamdulillah.. <3

Let's go to the best part of the trip.
I say that the trip was meaningful because I learnt so many new things from it. I learn how to be grateful and appreciate our own beloved country Malaysia. Because Bandung, is a very compact and crowded city.. Even an inch of land were not wasted there.. Their houses were not like in Malaysia, where we still have spaces and compound around it. Besides, the housing area in Malaysia is orderly arranged, but in Bandung, the houses are scattered.. The road is very narrow and never skip from jammed.. However, the drivers there are very prudent. Even though the cars are crowded in the road, they never got mad or drive crazily. There are no accident happen in the narrow and crowded road.

Ok, this is the part yang 'macam-macam rasa'..
Hmm..what can I say about the people in Bandung? Most of them who are poor are willing to do any work to get money.. The elders sell key chains, bags, and any other souvenirs with variety range of prices. So we, as the tourist really need to beware and brilliant to negotiate the prices with them so that we can get good things at low prices.. Or else, you will be cheated! (like me..huhu.. =[ ) Oh yeah, I bet you'll be surprised to see small kids at the age of 4-6 years old selling flowers, tissues and even pestle and mortar! :O There are also men who work as a traffic controller.. They will stand in the middle of the road, especially in any junction to stop cars and give passage to other cars who would like to turn.. But, we must give tips to them.. haha, so that's how they will get money.. *unique! about the food? Everyday we just eat nasi padang, nasi padang, and nasi padang. Haha, because only that food that can suite our taste and stomach. Oh yea, not to forget, people there love salty food. So, most of the food like fried rice, fried noodle and even fried fish are salty! Huhu.. T.T But so far we still alive and not starving, thank Allah! hehe..

Overall, Bandung is a great place for shopping. All the items are cheap, (if we know how to nego). But if we plan to go on a calming and picturesque vacation, I would not recommend Bandung, because the only picturesque scene that you can get is at Tangkuban Parahu, the volcano.. But indeed, Tangkuban Parahu serve a very magnificent Allah's creation! Subhanallah!

Hmm..Vacation to Bandung also had changed my perceptions towards other people, especially a normal school student and a 6-year old kid. All this while I thought it's hard to find a normal school student who is pious, polite and have a very great respect for the elderly, but in that trip, I found one. An 18-year old boy, the eldest in family, the son of my dad's friend. His name? Haha, no need to mention la.. I seriously amazed on how such a very young boy who studies in a normal school (not a boarding school or even a religious school) love to join an Islamic Dakwah mission with the Ustazs.. Because all this while I only found that kind of person in boarding school and religious school of course. Well, indeed, DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY IT'S COVER.

And for that 6-year old kid, Sofi Adlina, also a child of my dad's friend. A very cute little girl who has very pleasant attitude and act like a big kid even though she's just only 6 year old. I'm impressed! She was very close to me during the trip, kept calling me 'kakak, kakak' anywhere I went to. Haha.. But she's fine and not annoying at all. So, I guess Allah had sent this kid to me so that later I will behave nicely towards my own niece, a 6-year old kid too. Insya-Allah.. 


Guess that's all about my trip to Bandung.. End. ^^

p/s : Haha.. I don't have that boy's picture. Buat apa nak ambil gambar die? -.-" haha..

Monday, 6 January 2014

~Somewhere Only We Know~

Today, in the early of the morning, I would like to share a song, with its lyric of course. The song was sang by a band called Keane. Actually this is an old song, and I just found it while watching the LOL movie.. From the first time my ears caught this song, I fell in love with it. The music is touched my heart somehow.. And indeed, when I read the lyric, it full of deep meaning, which till now I can't fully understand it..but I do know it's about life.. Well, yeah, music is part of my life.. And I express my thoughts from the song I heard sometimes.. And here is the lyric goes… -

Somewhere Only We Know - Keane

I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete

Oh simple thing where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

Oh simple thing where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know?

Oh simple thing where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go?
So why don't we go?


This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know?

Erm...I'm not the kind of good girl actually, but still, it's not forbidden to listen to music as a hobby sometimes right? Everybody has a past. Like the quotes in 'Setia Hujung Nyawa' - 

"Tiada insan suci yang tidak mempunyai masa lampau, dan tiada insan berdosa yang tidak mempunyai masa depan."  

But, the question is, when will a person fully realize of his / her mistakes and make a move to start a new life? Some people had realizes that they had made mistakes and had had the consciousness to change. But they just don't know how to start. And some people already make a move to start but unfortunately, they just don't have the strength to continue or in simple word, ISTIQAMAH. Maybe this kind of people don't really deeply understand the meaning of ISTIQAMAH or they actually don't have a positive surrounding to ISTIQAMAH. As for me, honestly, I’m still searching which type I am actually.

Sincerely, a girl in confusion in the early of the morning.

p/s : I’m so totally tired of playing with feelings. Yeah, the fact is, girls talk and think with emotion, while boys talk and think with brain. The End.