Assalamualaikum semua.. Ni post yang kedua untuk hari ni.. Tetiba semangat nak tulis sebab I've got something to share.. ^^
Ok, in every post, there is some topic to talk about.. So, today I wanna write about 'Konflik Nilai' or 'Krisis Nilai'.. *Ni sambungan daripada topik yang dipelajari waktu kursus kat Grand Continental Hotel dulu... Do you know what is 'Konflik Nilai'? Situasi ni selalu sangat kita hadapi.. Boleh dikatakan norma dalam kehidupan.. Situasi ni selalunya berlaku antara 'senior' and 'junior' (kalau kat asrama), antara golongan tua dan muda, golongan profesional dan biasa, golongan lama dan baru, bahkan, antara kita dan ibu bapa pon boleh berlaku! So, have you got an idea what is 'Konflik Nilai' is all about?
Erm, I'm not sure about the EXACT meaning of it, but 'Konflik Nilai' berlaku apabila seseorang datang mengadu masalah kat kita, tapi kita tak nak selesaikan, MALAH kita meremehkan masalah yang dihadapi oleh orang tu..
Contoh 1 (situasi di asrama) :-
Junior : Akak, macam mana nak guna mesin basuh ni?
Senior : Alah, nak guna mesin basuh pon tak reti, takkan kat rumah tak ada
mesin basuh kot? Tulah, mesti selalu harapkan mak atau bibik je yang buat kan? Hesh!
Contoh 2 (situasi di rumah) :-
Adik : Abang, tolong ajar adik buat kerja Sains ni.. Adik tak faham la..
Abang : La, yang tu senang je, takkan nak kena ajar kot. Cikgu kat sekolah tak ajar ke?*(hoho, yang tu kejam) =p
Contoh 3 (situasi di kedai telefon) :-
Mak : Amboi, telefon ni canggih sangat, macam mana nak tulis mesej?
Anak : Mak ni, itu pon tak tau..bla3.....
*(tak baik betul!)
(AMARAN : Jangan tiru contoh2 tersebut di mana-mana sahaja anda berada! Sungguh kurang sopan!)
Haha..itulah antara contoh 'Konflik Nilai' yang berlaku zaman sekarang.. Senang cerita, CONDEMN orang! Ha, antara sebab UTAMA berlaku 'Konflik Nilai' adalah kerana ketinggian pengetahuan dan keluasan pengalaman seseorang yang merendah-rendahkan kekurangan pengetahuan dan kecetekan pengalaman orang lain.... Tak baik tau buat camtu..Kedekut ilmu namanya tu... (hmm..kadang-kadang aku ada terbuat gak.. Tapi, manusia kan tak sempurna dan tak pernah terlepas daripada membuat kesilapan..) So, kalau dah sedar tu, hopefully janganlah diulang kesalahan yang sama lagi.. Sama-sama kita memperbaiki kesilapan diri dan berubah ke arah yang lebih baik.. Mudah-mudahan Allah mempermudah juga urusan kita.. Ameen... =)
Lamanya tak update blog... Bukannya busy pon, it just that I don't have the mood to write something..but still got many stories to share.. Tak pelah, nvm about the past.. ;)
So, for today...Today is 27 December 2012.. you realize that we almost at the end of the year??!!! Ya Allah, cepatnya masa berlalu... Rasa macam baru je lepas tengok bola Malaysia lawan Indon dekat Indonesia dulu yang bikin gawat habis tuh! Tup2, tahun ni, 2-2 pihak pulak yang kalah..haha.. *I'm not a 'kaki bola' pon..Tiba2 cakap sal bola pulak.. =p
Hmm.. And I can still remember, those times when I was in deep pressure because I can't fit in my new life at my new school... Huhu..those times, full with tears.. That's why I'm labelling, 2012 is Tears Year! If I think back all those experiences I faced in this year, it just bring more pain than laughter.. =( BUT, whatever it is, I am grateful with what I had faced.. Experiences is the best teacher right? If I don't face all those obstacles and challenges in life, I would not be able to grow matured, right? EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. Now, I can slowly see the reasons...... *I can't believe that I'm actually had already past a year in that new (not so new) school! So, there is just one more year left.. I hope 2013 is gonna be a better year.. No more tears I hope!
However, there's something that I still can't understand.. Hmm..nvm.. What I can do is just avoid it for the time being..I don't wanna face that kind of problems right now cause it surely can disturb my focus in facing the MOST IMPORTANT YEAR - SPM 2013... So, close the book of <3 !!!
Honestly speaking, I never meant to hurt anyone's feeling.. Humans aren't perfect right? So, I know there are times which I did mistakes without realizing it.. I think, the best way to avoid problems is trying to be honest.. Honesty also can avoid many misunderstanding.. But there are still risk that we have to take by being honest, because sometimes, 'Kebenaran itu menyakitkan'... Don't you think so? Hmm.. (O_o)
Hey there.. Listen to this song.. I know I'm a bit 'kuno' cause this song was the soundtrack of the Narnia - Prince Caspian, which was screened on 2008 (agak lama kan? =p) Tapi try dengar la.. I love this song because it has a deep meaning.. Look at the lyrics below, and you can make your own assumption.. =)
It started out as a
Which then grew into
a hope
Which then turned
into a quiet thought
Which then turned
into a quiet word
And then that word
grew louder and louder
Til it was a battle
I'll come back
When you call me
No need to say
Just because
everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's
Been this way before
All you can do is try
to know
Who your friends are
As you head off to
the war
Pick a star on the
dark horizon
And follow the light
You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good
You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good
Now we're back to the
It's just a feeling
and no one knows yet
But just because they
can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you
have to forget
Let your memories
grow stronger and stronger
Til they're before
your eyes
You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say good
You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say good
Wanna know what I think about this lyrics? The first paragraph shows that I have a feelings of nervous, scared, etc..which are all related to Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia [SPM] 2013, which will determine my future and also tells about my last year of being a high school student next year, which is the sad feeling to separate with my friends... :-/ Then, that feelings grow into a hope, a hope to get a flying colours result, 9A+ [Ameen!] =) and a hope that I will never lose contact with all my friends..
'A battle cry' - for me, a battle which is full of tears, tears of fear, happiness, pain. and so on..
'I'll come back, When you call me, No need to say good bye' - I will never forget my friends, as long as we have the 'ukhwah fillah', insya-Allah our bond of friendship will never end, Friends till Jannah! =)
The next paragraph, for me, it's mean that everything will change after SPM.. We will face the real world, the reality of life.. But, it doesn't mean that we never know how to handle ourself in journey to be a better person.. We already received the education to prepare ourself to face the challenge in real world.. The only basic thing that we must find is just good friends, friends who can support us and always remind us for good.. In the journey of life to be an adult, obviously we need to be independent.. No more families around us, especially for those who further their studies in overseas.. So, only friends we have, and they play a big role in shaping us, and facing the 'war', war to achieve our dreams in world and hereafter..
'Pick a star on the dark horizon, And follow the light' - for me, it means the 'nur' or 'hidayah' from Allah..which means that whenever we feel lost, feel like there's no hope or way out in any problems we faced, just remember, there's always 'light', given by Allah to His servants, and we will ONLY get that if we always remember Allah, obey His orders and leave His ban.. and just DO not forget to PRAY..
'You'll come back, When it's over, No need to say good bye' - Somehow, no matter how far we go, no matter how high the dreams we had achieve, we still need and will come back to the origin ; our own families, homeland, etc..
Then, next paragraph, have meanings that are related to the previous phrase, which is about back to the origin.. We can't deny, that in this world, they're still some people who had forget about their origin, especially after they had achieve pleasure in their life.. In easy words - LUPA DIRI.. Ish3..It's definitely not a good thing! So, how can we avoid this bad demeanor? = Always do reflection about everything that we had did daily [MUHASABAH DIRI], Insya-Allah. ^-^
'Let your memories grew stronger and stronger' - Means that every memories contain a thousand and billions of experiences that we had gone through.. Have you ever heard an idiom - EXPERIENCE IS THE BEST TEACHER ? Then, we should let the memories stay inside us, which will then give us some kind of motivation to do the best in the future!
Yeehaa..! >_< That is all that I can say about the song.. How I interpreted it..hehe.. I know la the real meaning that was written by the lyricist was absolutely different from my interpretation.. But, hey, this is my blog, where I express my OWN opinion.. ;)
P/S : Wanna share some 'chocolate of our heart' [santapan jiwa] / [motivasi diri] which I get from my junior, Liyana Ismail.. She is sooo nice! And this is her expression of opinion about REGRET ; a word which I fear the most:
regrets are not always a bad thing. regrets plays a big part in life and that's what makes you a life. nobody's perfect and nobody will be. being cautious 24 hours a day, doesn't that sounds regret because ur too busy worrying to face mistakes? regrets are a good thing in which you will think twice about doing so in the future. but at the same time, make sure ur not stupid enough to make a fool outa ur self b'coz the first time it is a real mistake, the second time is a choice. :)
Hey there.. How's life going..? Or more accurate, how's holiday going? Yeah, as for me, holiday is great! Everything is fine.. Plus, I need to take motorcycle license this holiday! Seriously can't imagine that! ; I'm big enough already! [like someone said, "Hoho..big Amira"] (O_o) huhu..*scary for me* I never ride a motorcycle before, ermm...pernah la naik, banyak kali k, cuma x pernah bawak je.. =p Huh..just get ready mental and physical for that.. Pray for me! Hehe..
Ok, so...let's get back to the main topic.. 'Menjadi pembimbing'. What I'm gonna write is about becoming a leader, a guider, and someone who is more like counselor, for our friends out there who are having problems and conflicts.. Actually, on 8th and 9th November 2012, I had followed a camp, organised by my college, handled by my beloved counselors, Mr. Shahid and Mrs. Syarima.. Tajuk kem ialah Kem Transformasi Kepimpinan Siri 2 - Kursus Aplikasi Kemahiran Kaunseling Dalam Kepimpinan.. The camp was held at Grand Continental Hotel, Langkawi, [Luaran hotel nampak je buruk, tapi dalamnya cantik kot! Memang best ah!](^_^) So, lots of new and beneficial things I've learnt there, even though the camp just last for 2 days only..huh.. [Wish we had more time.., walaupun kadang2 rasa ngantuk menghinggapi diri..hehe] Kem ni dihadiri oleh 67 orang pelajar yang terdiri daripada badan kepimpinan maktab, BWP, LDP, PRS, BADAR..
What activity that we had there? Well, after finished packing all things, and done with the pressure of final exam, we went to the hotel and arrived there around 4.00 p.m..[except the Tasawwur students, who were still 'fighting' with their exam papers..O_o] We were given the chance to rest, and get back to Dewan Enggang 3 at 5.15 p.m.. The CEO [Hijazi] and Manager [me] were chosen, and the program started with session 'Penyelesaian Masalah dalam Bidang Tugas'.. Everyone need to write their personal view about 'pelaksanaan tugas sepanjang tempoh kami memegang jawatan', 'penerimaan orang ramai terhadap jawatan kita' and 'konklusi'.. So, here are some problems picked randomly by Mr. Shahid to be solved..
1. Masalah : Takut nak menegur orang lain walaupun dah ada jawatan
Penyelesaian : - Jangan anggap diri tak sempurna jika hendak menegur
- Jangan tengok diri orang yang menegur, tapi tengok apa yang ditegur(teguran yang diberi)
- Guna konsep segi tiga, tegur orang bawahan dulu(adik2), then orang yang sederhana
penerimaannya dalam teguran, then barulah tegur orang2 yang betul2 hard core..
- Dalam melaksanakan tugasan, buat untuk dapatkan pahala!
- Konsep kerja : Mengimarahkan kebajikan dan menambahkan pahala
2. Masalah : Semangat untuk menjalankan tugas semakin luntur
Penyelesaian : - Untuk menegur orang yang tak nak ikut peraturan, kita boleh tukar cara menegur atau
teruskan je usaha (bila diorang dah bosan, diorang akan ikut jugak)
- Letakkan matlamat (hasil) yang rendah..( kalau tak boleh sampai ke bulan, memadailah
sampai ke langit)
- Tegur orang yang berbeza tahap dengan cara yang berbeza
3. Masalah : Tak selesa dengan pandaangan orang apabila jadi pemimpin
Penyelesaian : - Itu perkara NORMAL..
- Teori pemikiran tak rasional : a. We must/always get what we want.
b. Everyone will love you.
c. If we're wrong, we always blame on others.
- Kalau tak rasa apa2 bila jadi pemimpin, it's not normal (bermasalah)
- Ubah cara berfikir.
4. Masalah : Tak tahu bidang tugas, so tak tahu nak buat apa..
Penyelesaian : - Tanamkan kecintaan dalam diri terhadap jawatan dan tugas.
- If we love our job, we will put our efforts to find so many ways to full our days with the
job, means we will not just sit back and doing nothing.
- Kalau kita faham tugas kita, jawatan kita, kita takkan kisah dah orang lain nak cakap ape.
Hmmm...dah habis baca? Ok, jom sama2 renungkan dan perbaiki diri agar dapat jadi leader yang mantop! Ada baaaaanyak lagi pengisian dalam kursus ni, but stop setakat ni dulu.. Later2 sambung lain, wait for the next entri! Tuan punya jari dah letih and lapar..~ So long...~ ^-^
Lamanya la tak update blog.. Malas punye pasal..padahal ade je mcm2 cerita menarik nak dikongsi.. Hmm..x pelah.. Let it be safe and sound in the heart and mind.. =)
So, tonight's topic is 'Kesetiaan Dalam Tawakal'.. haha..sounds interesting right? I had just discussed bout the topic with my friend last night.. *Entah macam mana tetiba je terbincang sal topic nih.. =p So..let's see what we have to share.. :
- If we want a relationship to keep everlasting till the age of suitable for marriage, especially for the teenagers, what we need to do is to be loyal.. And most important thing is to Tawakal to Allah.. So, how can we be loyal to someone and at the same time tawakal to Allah?
In my opinion, when we think we like someone, we love someone, and we think that he/she is the perfect one for us, we definitely feel that we want to have an everlasting relationship... However, as a Muslim Teenager, we MUST NOT do something which is illegal in Islam, something that is over the limit in Islam.. We MUST NOT ruin the relationship with vices and sins... So friends, please do remember this sentences from Al-Quran :
“Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui, sedangkan kamu tidak mengetahui.” (Al-Baqarah: 216)
Meaning that we must go back to Allah, give all our hopes and surrender to Allah.. Because we do not know what Allah has plan for us in the future... We, as Allah's weak servant, can only plan for something.. Allah The Almighty is The One who determine everything..
So what can we do? Just PRAY to Allah..
"Ya Allah, jika dia benar untukku, dekatkanlah hatinya dengan hatiku.. Seandainya dia bukan milikku, damaikanlah hatiku dengan ketentuan-Mu..."
Try to listen deeply with your sincere heart, soul and mind to this song :
When we keep pray and pray to Allah, that shows our LOYALTY IN TAWAKAL.. =)
By the way, this is only my opinion about those "couple" things... For me, there's no need to use that term in a relationship.. Majority I saw and heard most of teenagers who coupled must ended with a clash or broken heart.. My Dear Friends..why you need to hurt yourself..?? Suffice merely with 'suka sama suka'.. No need to declare or spread out the news.. While you still don't have a legal relationship, just keep it in your heart.. This way can avoid slander from people around us.. It's better right to have a harmonious life? Sometimes, people are minding your affairs maybe because you did something wrong in the community.. If you didn't do anything wrong, believe me, no one would care what you want to do..(except those who are envy towards you)
So, the conclusion is, during this young life, teenagers' life, NO NEED TO BOTHER ABOUT LOOKING FOR PARTNERS what so ever.. JUST LEAVE IT TO ALLAH.. ALLAH KNOWS WHAT BEST FOR US..
If we like someone, don't tell that person, tell to Allah..
Katakanlah "jika kamu sembunyikan apa yang ada dalam hatimu atau kamu nyatakan, Allah pasti mengetahuinya. Dia mengetahui apa yang ada dilangit dan apa yang ada dibumi! Allah Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu" (al Imran:29)
Hanya pada Allah lah tempat mengadu segala isi hati.. Sesungguhnya ALLAH MAHA MENGETAHUI... (^_^)
Waaa.... It's been so Long that I never update this blog.. huhuhu..even my own diary I rarely write in it.. Hmm...seriusly what a busy life I have this semester.. And worstly, I became more n more n more lazier lately.. Why?!!! I don't know why. My homeworks are all abandoned.. *so guilty =.=" but, but...arghh... how to get rid of this laziness??? Ya Allah...please help me.. =(
Ok... After the last post, I had Semester 1 Examination, and Alhamdulillah.. Everything works well..and the result were unexpected too.. What else I can say then Alhamdulillah.. =) But.. deeply in my heart, the result scared me.. I bet everyone knows how hard it would be to maintain a high result.. No matter what, my mind said that my result for the next exam will definitely not as high as in semester 1.. I know, I know, I shouldn't thought like that..but...but.. Huhuhu..I'm so totally depressed! I hate when everyone is focusing on me too much! I have my own life ok! I have the feeling to enjoy my life too, like a normal teenager.. And I really hate when everyone expecting something high from me.. I'm not A ROBOT OK?!
Actually, lots of unexpected things happened in this Semester 2.. Hmm..most happiest part was when I got the chance to join Maths Carnival at MJSC Muar.. The experience of the journey to Muar with Nadwah's members was totally fascinating! I love that moment So Much! Then, I've been offered to join Nobel Laureates Outreach Camp (NLOC) at UPM Serdang.. Hmm..this program was interesting. But..know what, I've cried at one evening in the hostel in UPM. Why?? Haha..I was so deeply stressed out since I have to finish my assignment in just ONE DAY! Weirdly, I really3 miss my college during that time and how much I hope everything will soon finish and end.
Maths Carnival's Team! Terbaik! =)
Nadwah Islamiah's Team! Sporting habis! =)
Nobel's Team.. =)
After this part, my life was starting to turn upside down and became chaos.. I had to reject to join PRS Camp in USM because lack of time to prepare myself for the upcoming exam.. Sad. Then, all of my dreams, which were participating in Language Week, Leadership Camp (ICC) and Tunas Saintis had vanished! How my heart broke into pieces after I had missed all those program.. ='( Until now, the pain is still there, still in my heart. The most shocking part was when I've been chosen as one of the Student's Representative Council (SRC) 12/13 of my college. I wanted to stop compete for the post, but my teachers wouldn't allow me to do so.. I wanted to apply for Peers, and that was my dream since the first day I step into this college. Unfortunately, everything happened SO FAST.. And now, I had become the Secretary of SRC 12/13.. Unbelievable! But that was what happened to me.
Election Day!
The conclusion that I can make in this semester 2 is, I didn't get something that I want so much, but I got something that I never plan to have.. Well, only one thing that I can do right now..which is REDA.. EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON RIGHT? I just hope that I have the strength to change myself before the Final Examination starts in October. Hopefully, when I go back to college tomorrow, I will start a new life, turn back to be the old Diligent Mirror, facing ONLY books, and give the full commitment to SRC. pray for me.. =) Ameen...
Setelah sekian lama menyepi..hari ni, I wanna say that I'm really grateful for everything that I had faced for the past few months.. Alhamdulillah..
Ternyata, Allah Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang.. Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk hamba-hamba-Nya.. Setiap dugaan yang berlaku itu, ada hikmah yang manis menanti bagi orang-orang yang BERSABAR..
Setelah hampir 3 bulan aku menempuh hari-hari yang penuh mencabar di maktab baru tu, makin lama aku jadi semakin kuat.. Memang, sebelum ni memang aku dah give up.. Dan aku memang dah buat pon surat untuk pindah maktab.. Tapi, Allah Maha mengatur segala-galanya.. Takdir Allah, aku masih kekal di maktab tu.. Permohonan pindah aku tak dilayan..
Dan dalam tempoh 3 bulan ni, aku telah menghadapi pelbagai jenis dugaan... The most sad thing happened was when I've been betrayed by my own classmates! I really3 don't understand, why do they need to mind other people's private life?? Asyik nak jaga tepi kain orang je kerjanya! Everything that I did was wrong in their eyes.. They're like didn't want to see me happy.. Padahal aku tak pernah sentuh pon hal peribadi diorang! Hmmm..memang lumrah dunia kan, dalam banyak2 orang di sekeliling kita ni, ada saja orang yang tak suka tengok kita senang, atau dalam erti kata lain DENGKI dengan kelebihan dan nikmat orang lain..
What they had done to me, just let it be a secret.. Besides, I wanna forget it.. There's no use we think about something that only make us feel sad and down.. Lagipon, aku dah maafkan apa yang diorang buat tu.. Buat apa simpan dalam hati.. Sedangkan Nabi ampunkan umat inikan pula kita manusia biasa yang tak pernah terlepas daripada melakukan sebarang kesilapan.. Aku akui, kadang-kala aku pon tak terlepas daripada melakukan, setiap dugaan yang aku hadapi ni betul2 mengajar aku untuk muhasabah diri balik.. Sebab itu kita perlu bersabar dan redha apabila ditimpa sesuatu dugaan.. Lagipon, tak perlulah kita buang masa balas balik apa-apa kesalahan yang orang dah buat kat kita.. Nabi dulu pon sering kali diganggu oleh orang kafir jahiliah, tapi Nabi tak pernah melawan balik, bahkan Nabi berbicara dengan baik dan berdoa agar hati mereka lembut dan terbuka.. =)
Sekarang, aku hanya berpegang pada ayat "La Takhaf Wa La Tahzan, Innallah Ha Maa'na" - "Jangan Takut dan Jangan Bersedih kerana Allah Bersama Kita..
Di sebalik kekuatan yang aku cari-cari selama ni, ada insan-insan yang sentiasa sudi membantu.. Lots of love and thanks to my beloved sister, Kak Azlin Hafizah yang sedang menuntut di Russia in Medic.. Semoga Allah permudahkan pula perjalanan hidupmu.. And also special thanks to Farah Eizzaty and Dayang Nur Liyana yg sentiasa menemani di maktab baru tu.. And to Mr. R, thanks 4 being understanding for what had happened and willing to be my friend..
Oh ye, I've just had finished facing Standardised Test 2.. Alhamdulillah, bolehla jawab, tapi ada slack sikit dekat subjek BM, Bio and Physics.. Hmm.. tak pelah. usaha dah, doa pon dah, TAWAKKAL jelah sekarang.. Insya-Allah.. 2 weeks lagi Final Exam pulak!!! Do pray for my best yeah! =)
Assalamualaikum semua.. Terlebih dahulu aku nak ucap Salam Maulidur Rasul.. Hmm...rindu Rasulullah.. <3.. Aku takut tengok zaman sekarang..makin banyak perkara yang tak elok berlaku.. Aku harap sangat, kita sebagai umat akhir zaman sama2 lah menghayati perjuangan Rasulullah dan sentiasa mengikut sunnah Rasulullah.. Kalaulah Rasulullah masih ada, pasti baginda sedih tengok keadaan umatnya sekarang..So, sama2lah kita renung2kan ye..
Ok, sekarang nak bercerita tentang 'Hijrah'.. Hijrah bermaksud perpindahan ke suatu tempat atau ke keadaan yang lebih baik.. So, pada tahun 2012 ni, aku akan berhijrah ke satu tempat lain, tapi, tak tahu lah tempat tu lebih baik daripada tempat dulu atau tak..Wallahua'lam.. Doa2 jela tempat baru tu boleh merubah aku ke arah yang lebih terbaik..Insya-Allah..
Ok, sebenarnya, tempat yang aku maksudkan ini ialah MRSM _ _ _ _ _ _ _..huhu..aku terpaksa berhijrah dari MRSM Transkrian, tempat 1001 kenangan tersimpan, tempat aku belajar untuk bangun selepas terjatuh, tempat aku mengenali erti sebenar persahabatan, tempat aku mengerti yang mana kaca, yang mana permata, tempat aku belajar menjadi seorang yang lebih tabah dan matang! Macam2 perkara yang aku dah belajar di Transkrian, dan aku bersyukur kerana berpeluang menjadi salah seorang daripada warga Transkrian..
Ya Allah....Berat rasa hati nak tinggalkan Transkrian.. Sangat2 berat..Rasa macam ada bergelen-gelen air dan batu dalam hati aku ni.. tapi, aku terpaksa.. Kalaula En. S _ _ x buat pengumuman kat atas pentas dan depan semua warga maktab pasal pkp ni, aku memang dah tolak tau.. Hmm..hanya Allah yg mengerti maksud sebenar aku ni..
Ramai yang pelik kenapa aku nak tolak?? Sedangkan ini bagaikan satu peluang keemasan..dan amatlah B****** org yg tolak tu..[bak kate seseorg la].. But friends, truely, I know myself.. I'M NOT LIKE WHAT YOU THINK because you just see me on the outside, not inside.. Deeply inside my heart, I know the real me.. Aku tak tahu korang faham ke tak maksud aku tapi yang pasti, hanya Allah Maha Mengetahui..
BUT, EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON.. Setiap perkara yang terjadi pada diri kita, bermuhasabahlah.. Renungkan hikmah yang terselit di sebaliknya.. Mungkin ini anugerah Allah untuk aku berubah dan atasi kelemahan aku tu.. Ok, aku redha.. Kali ni, walau apa pon ujian dan dugaan yang aku terima, aku akan hadapi dengan tabah untuk kebaikan diri aku sendiri.. Apa-apa pon, hanya Allah tempat mengadu, dan hanya Allah tempat memohon pertolongan..And thanks a lot to those who keep supporting me.. Aku sayang korang sangat2..and to the teachers, I'm so sorry because I cannot stay there anymore..Sincerely thanks for everything from the bottom of my heart..and I'LL NEVER EVER forget everything about TRANSKRIAN..<3 <3 <3
Ada seorang cikgu aku cakap, dalam hidup ini TAK BOLEH ADA KALAU.. sebab 'kalau' tu membawa erti penyesalan..and regret is something that is surely not good for us.. bak kata pepatah, SESAL DAHULU PENDAPATAN, SESAL KEMUDIAN TIADA GUNA, hmm..rasanya korang semua faham kan maksud ni? Tak perlulah aku terangkan dengan panjang lebar.. Senang cerita, fikir masak2 dulu sebelum membuat sesuatu keputusan, beristikharah, dan usaha sesungguhnya.. Once we choose that way, there's no more way to turn back.. Dan aku akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk tidak menyesal dengan keputusan yang aku buat ni..
So, in life, we need to keep moving forward! Seperti seorang kawan aku kata, 'AIM TO THE STAR, IF WE FALL, WE STILL REACH THE MOON'..hehe..[ada persamaan ke dengan semua benda yang aku cakap ni?? -.-"] Papepon, kata2 ni still memberikan motivasi kan?
Ok, till here for today.. Doakan aku berjaya menyesuaikan diri di tempat baru ye! Amin..I'll wajib try the best in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. Insya-Allah.~
Hello all..'s been a long time I didn't post anything in this blog.. Well, I just got nothing to say..hehe.. Actually, there's a lot of stories to be shared, about KIKS, new roommate, new teachers and so on..but..hmm.. I like to keep it by myself..Besides, there aren't much sweet memories happened during this one month.. [but bad memories..A LOT!] So, I think that was the main reason I didn't have the feelings to write about all of it.. [ARGHH..the bad things had crush the good things!=( ] Naaahhh..forget it!
Well, enough of mumbling.. Today, I would really please to write about something. Yeah..a topic which is inspired by the one who I admire..hehehe.. The topic is about 'enjoying our younger time'.. As for me, I feel really eager to grow up..Why? These are the reasons :
I wanna have freedom to do anything that I want.
I wanna feel free to go anywhere that I want.
I wanna buy things that I like with my own money.
I don't want to do homeworks! [ bad huh?!]
Enough of following school rules!
Yeah..I think there's a lot more reasons but I've short listed it to 5 only.. [too lazy lah to type..hehe..]
But, you know friends, someone had realized me about the challenges to be an adult.. He said that the older we grow, the more responsibilities we need to carry..and every freedom that we got has its own prices.. Hmm... I became speechless.. Wondering..what does he really means..
Then, after thinking about everything he said, I got the idea what he meant about the prices.. For example :
"You have grown up. You have buy your own car and you can go to anywhere that you want to go. But, if you buy a car, you still have to pay every month right? Or else you will lose your car.. And, if you wanna travel with your car, you need to fill the fuel.. To do so, you need money. And from where you need to get the money? Yes, you'll have to work! You can't depend on your parents for the rest of your life. If you're working, you can't just easily skip your work because if you do so, your performance will down and you can't get more money or salary.. or worst, you'll get fired! It's so not easy to get a job nowadays.."
So, the conclusion is, being an adult is more tough than being a kid or teenager..Plus, there's a lot of things you need to think if you are an adult. Compare to a kid or teenager, what you need to think of is just your study! Even though there's a lot of subjects, but you still focusing at the same topic, which is ACADEMICS and SCHOOLS.. I heard majority of my brothers and sisters said that they want to be young again and they miss their younger life! So, just be happy with what you have now and enjoy it while you are still young.. Your time to be old enough to have the freedom will come one day. So, just be patience. And remember, you are always moving forward, and never ever can rewind back the, use it wisely and happily!
Actually, I dislike being a teenager.. must be thinking that I'm weird right, because some of you think that being a teenager is the most wonderful time in life! I admit that. Sometimes it is wonderful.. But most of the time are fill with feelings confusion, friends problem, and the worst thing is LOVE! Arghh.. I am so confused..why do we need to have feelings towards others during this younger age?? It's so hard to control.. If we don't have strong faith, we will easily strayed from the correct path! So friends, get closer to Allah to have His Guidance! Only Allah can be our best helper! I've learnt a lot from my mistake and I am so grateful to Allah for His guidance.. Everything happen must have reasons right.
Ok.. I think that's all for tonight.. Do leave a comment to share your opinions and to correct my Grammar yeah.. [It's been a while I left English classes, so the Grammar had been crazy already..hehe..]
Hai semua.. Hurm.. Today is a bit gloomy lah.. Gloomy on me and also the weather.. Well, as you see, today's post is about 'the end of everything'. So, what's gonna end?
1. 2011 had already ended..Now, Welcome 2012! Hmm..I'm really3 sad to leave 2011 because there's a lot of memories in it.. Mostly the sweet one.. Even though 2011 is a tough and busy year because of the PMR examination, but still, I think 2012 is gonna be tougher and busier than 2011.. Being an upper form level student a.k.a Form 4, will have to face a lot of new things.. Bio, Physics, Chemist, and others which is totally different from lower form syllabus..I'm scared..=( Am I gonna make it?? My second Idol told me to not be afraid because challenges are good for us.. It'll make us a better person.. Insya-Allah. I'll try to do my best.. BTW, he is my source of spirit in Trans.. Whenever I feel down, if I look at his face, I'll gain my spirit again! ^_^ But, for 2012 and 2013, he'll not be in Trans anymore.. I can't do anything because he is growing older and he has his own path in achieving his dream.. So, I'll just can pray for the best to him and hoping he will never forget me..
2. Tomorrow is the end of my FREEDOM! No more over sleeping, no more eating whenever I want, no more relaxing and no more EVERYTHING lah.. :'( It's the start of my new journey of becoming a F4 student.. So sad leaving this Year-End School Holiday, which is NO HOMEWORKS are given.. Furthermore, even though I feel boring doing nothing in this holidays but I'm still grateful because there's some friends who willing to cheer my day.. It's so out of the blue that some people, who I never talk to before in Trans, willing to chat with me on FB.. Haha.. [touched].. Well, thanks a lot to them..<3
3. The most sad thing is that I have to leave my parents! Hukhuk.. T_T.. They are my first supporter and protector.. Hmm.. Never mind.. Besides, I'm getting older too.. I have to be more independent! Till when I need to count on them?? Enough of burden them! Yeah! Go Mirror! ;)
I think that's all for today.. And maybe I will not post for about 1 month.. =( Busy of being a student..hehe..
Ok..Tata.. (^_^)